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Everything posted by Swifty

  1. How much money can you spare?
  2. No need to dupe, just make a gang and take money from the gang account, just like Cozi did.
  3. You also made this right? https://gyazo.com/97393c1ad6accd02145cbe0df39156de
  4. I don't care if he jumped out or not but for an APD officer to say that when he is supposed to rp is fucked up. He could of just said "I'll stay for the ride", there is definitely no other reason why he applied to be a cop right?
  5. "I don't care if I die, go for it" rp?
  6. All I see in these posts is career cops arguing about how easy rebel life is. How about you go fucking try it yourselves. Cop is the easiest way to make money I can make cap in two days max if I wanted too (I already am). As a rebel if you want any sort of "good" income you run meth or scotch, meth being instant money scotch being a little bit better money but you have to wait a few days (Why not right?) Now before we start you must have a house for scotch and some crates (Donate) so It would make sense that scotch would be more profitable right? no. The way I see meth/scotch... (Being capped from playing cop) I always have a house stocked with meth or scotch. For scotch one house with 3 barrels one with 3 crates, so thats like 25k in barrels, 50k in crates and 240-300k in houses before we even start. Meth only one house so 120-150k and 50k in crates (3 crates) Meth - Is INSTANT money and you can fit 500 crystal meth in one crate, you can sell for around 400-430k max if you was to sell it all at once. Scotch - Is around the same price as meth but you have to wait a few days to be able to sell it, and you can fit 333 in one crate, you can sell for around 290-320k if you was to sell it all at once. Now if you was to fill your crate up you would make more selling meth than scotch, meth is instant money no waiting around. Now before you say its easy to collect the shit blah blah blah I don't really care what you have to say. Scotch has 3 legal ingredients, 2 of which you can buy (Cheap). Barley, water and yeast. Barley is meh to collect running round picking up bushes. Meth has 2 legal ingredients and 1 illegal, you can buy the two legal ones from the market being expensive if you buy a lot. Hydrogen Sulfate, Phosphorus and Ephedra. All these ingredients are "AFKable" to collect with a little bit of driving. The meth processing location is easy to defend when cops arrive or other people that are just out to rob you compared to the Spirit Distillery where you can be sniped from any one of the 100 hills around you. Now if cops catch you then they get paid for taking your drugs aswell as being paid for ticketing/arresting you, now depending on what vehicle your doing the drugs in it could be anywhere up to 150k and they seize your vehicle so you lose what 30-50k if its a hemtt box. If other civs want to rob you, you could get RDMed at any moment, and then you lose all that time and have to start again. After getting some money together you want to fight as a rebel, so you go to a cartel and you could die which means you would lose 20-30k depending on your loadout could be more. "Well why don't you cap two turfs and arms dealer and your loadout will be like 10k max" (Classic career cop answer) what the fuck do you think we're trying to do, you realize only one gang can have them at one time right? Now lets look at cop, okay so we get to fight 24/7 with unlimited loadouts, unlimited lives and we get fucking paid holy shit, 9/10 you will catch anyone doing prison breaks, banks, feds, drugs, scotch and prostitutes in Kavala. But yet career cops still complain about shit and it gets removed even though they have never even tried it an example of this is scotch was nerfed. And you career cops think rebels have it easy. k PS. Things need to be changed, Krypton and other people that have been around for a while are posting ideas to "Revive" rebel life but the posts just get deleted or ignored.
  7. Well then... https://gyazo.com/cab7978e4b74088f8def7ce3e099f9d9
  8. You did great man, our coms was shit also, no one spoke.
  9. I can't believe Cozi tried framing Henky, disgusted with you Cozi...
  10. Denied, reason - https://gyazo.com/97393c1ad6accd02145cbe0df39156de
  11. Swifty

    Buying barley

    I have 400, send me an offer.
  12. Just don't do this and you will be good https://gyazo.com/97393c1ad6accd02145cbe0df39156de
  13. You won't pour a bottle of milk over your head Sojobo, no balls.
  14. Swifty

    Cop Stuff

    Got one MXM, give me an offer.
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