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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Zelthius

  1. Thanks for the heads up! Few games in there I'd have no problem with adding to my collection
  2. This is a pretty neat design. Might needs some nerfs, but other than that +1.
  3. Imagine driving out of rebel with a fresh load out and getting blown to hell with an I.E.D. I would just stare at my screen at laugh.
  4. OLL13 is the meme of Asylum Gaming..
  5. Happy thanksgiving to all of you American folks
  6. Very sweet Hype for the prison!
  7. The P07 did have a taser sound in the past, when people were shot with it. It would indeed be awesome for both game and roleplay experience if something like this got implemented again!
  8. Okay I'll admit this was quality.
  9. Have a good one Bada. You'll be missed man.
  10. The sarcasm level over 9000 XD
  11. Weird, the video isn't expanding itself. Also, where's the fun part.
  12. I get the idea, it's nice to raid houses. But, I'll also straight up admit that's not something for a life server. Perhaps Exile etc.
  13. It changed my resolution in-game to like 2021 x something, so I had to revert that. No biggie, but that's the only issue I've had. Try just digging trough the settings of both in-game and the GeForce program and see.
  14. Zelthius


    Our vehicles are goats with syrian accent, armor and speakers.
  15. You can easily get there with a HEMMT, it just requires you to drive a little further. I would suggest using a Boxer Truck, way more easy and still a good payout.
  16. This idea being completely worked out a lot more, seems like a very good thing.
  17. Everyone on this forums talking about new computers and new accessoires, and here I am sitting at home trying to put together a gaming computer to build, but starting to cry when I look at the price.
  18. Oh my god I just saw you put your kill on @Bilal Battu in the video.. oh god
  19. How long did it take you to gather these kills?
  20. Nah, you're not getting that house
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