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Dip Dip Potato Chip

APD Officer
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  1. BlackShot liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Weaknesses and strengths of the orca tail rotor   
    Just give cops 7.62 but let the cadets keep the 5.56 and give them accses to mx 
    Problem solved
  2. Olivia liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Altis Police Department! [Video Trailer]   
    Max can I have the money you promised me for dying five times so you could make some stupid thing 
  3. Rosie liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Altis Police Department! [Video Trailer]   
    Max can I have the money you promised me for dying five times so you could make some stupid thing 
  4. Mahdizzle liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Change Log 6.8.1   
    Dude as soon there is a bank on any server and there is only like 4-5 cops they go to all the other precinct channels and ask for backup. I'm not complaining just saying how it is behind the scenes 
  5. BioHazard liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Change Log 6.8.1   
    Dude as soon there is a bank on any server and there is only like 4-5 cops they go to all the other precinct channels and ask for backup. I'm not complaining just saying how it is behind the scenes 
  6. Marco liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Modded Server Bug List   
    when I click play this shows up
    and when then it goes to the black starting screen and crashed and it says this
  7. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by Capt Pepper in Change Log 6.6.5   
    Guys, as one of the staff members said before. Be patient, it really does take time figuring out where things are gonna go. I for one, am excited for the modded server. At the same time, I don't want to play a broken game either, I'm glad they're ironing the kinks out before opening it up to the public.
    To make the game as fun as possible they need to find places to place everything. Which when it comes to legal things, is not too difficult. For  illegal zones though, such as the distillery for instance, that need's to be in an area that has its strong and weak points. Think about it, if they haphazardly threw an illegal area into a small valley for instance. A would be usurper could easily overtake someone through high ground advantage (Just an example)
    Just give it time people, we are all excited and anxious for this new server to come out. Let the staff do their thing though.
    As for the mods on the new server, I've been watching those mods on the list change with frequency. If anything, I think that the staff is currently testing different mods to see what would offer a good balance.
    The ONLY thing that I would ask for from the staff, is that when they decided on a vehicle pack. That they'd at least let us know what it is. I've played many mods and I have noticed that some of the modded pack vehicles are worse than driving a potato hatchback from vanilla Arma.
    I will also say this separately from my earlier statement. As a cop, I am wondering if we will be stuck with the same Emergency lights & sirens deal.  I've seen many mods that give  different light bars, options that allow to change the light pattern on said light bars and, also give a wide variety of siren options. With Asylum making a move towards the modded aspect, the options for civ, cop and, rebel are now virtually endless.
    ignore any and all minor craft typos leave. I wrote this out right after I woke up, so my mind wasn't fully alert and functioning yet. if I have time later I will go back and correct any and all typos that I may find.
  8. Capt Pepper liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Change Log 6.6.5   
    if you are a croporal+ you can get assigned to a server AKA precinct and get diffrent benefits
  9. MaverickSanders liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Change Log 6.6.5   
    if you are a croporal+ you can get assigned to a server AKA precinct and get diffrent benefits
  10. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by M4ST3R in More Variety Of Clothing!   
    I think the clothes on asylum are getting a little bland now ,does anyone else Agree we need more variety of clothing! 
    Like suits or more rebel clothing or a custom designed clothing to give us a variety instead of the same clothes just with rolled up sleeves.
  11. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by MaverickSanders in News Crew   
    I realize this can be done with regular recording software, but if it was possible for custom outfits the RP aspect would be so much more.
    Thank you to: Patrick James  : for these links
    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=631458049 -Reporter
    http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=631458033 - Camera Man
    If someone could find a van or helicopter with a news logo that would be amazing! I can not find one though.
    An outfit and camera would greatly increase the chance that the cartels would let you interview them in my opinion, it would be much more realistic and allow for much more RP. 
    A news places sort of like the karaoke place in Kavala could be put around in major cities. - Not sure if this is even possible.
    I don't have any knowledge of modding or modded servers in Arma.
    Thanks for reading.
  12. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by JonSnow in Suggestion for mods used...   
    Tactical beards?
  13. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by Cifunds in Change Log 6.6.5   
  14. Olivia liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Police Loadouts   
    So sine we are talking about saved loads outs and shit can we make so undercover get that saved loadout cause it's so anoying buying the MXM and when the server restarts the gun is gone unless you switch to one of the other cop slots and save the gun there and then after put the gun in the car and the go back to undercover and get the gun out the car. And one more thing PLEASE GIVE ME MY VERMIN BACK. I don't know why they removed it in the first place 
  15. Atmosphere liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Police Loadouts   
    So sine we are talking about saved loads outs and shit can we make so undercover get that saved loadout cause it's so anoying buying the MXM and when the server restarts the gun is gone unless you switch to one of the other cop slots and save the gun there and then after put the gun in the car and the go back to undercover and get the gun out the car. And one more thing PLEASE GIVE ME MY VERMIN BACK. I don't know why they removed it in the first place 
  16. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by Cre in Concrete Barriers, Checkpoint Deployables   
    You missed the point, but I did find a gif for this specific occasion!

  17. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by Hiraku in Go-Karts   
  18. Maxツ liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Authority Wolves! (Arma 3 Altis Life)   
    Prison break video best one so far 
  19. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by Bluerage in Authority Wolves! (Arma 3 Altis Life)   
    "It was at this moment he knew he f***ed up"
  20. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by Churu in APD Attackboat without the guns, and some more water activitis?   
    Something i would like to see if bigger boats are added is maybe whale/shark hunting which should be highly illegal but a huge payout
    now i understand we dont have sharks or whale buts its just something you could do from the boat like fishing, just a thought
  21. Maxツ liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in APD Attackboat without the guns, and some more water activitis?   
    I just thought it would be nice If the cops could get the attackboat with the guns removed ofcourse. If the attackboats guns can't be removed maybe add 1 or 2 new boats/watercrafts?
    cause atm we only have 2 boats not counting the sub (wich the cops don't even have). and there is almost no1 patrolling the waters for turtles. I used to do it with a cadet, it was fun but since the turtles are a bit bugged there is almost no1 that are going out in water to hunt turtles, sure there are ppl excavateing and fishing but there is not much ppl doing it. would be nice if there maybe where some more stuff to do in the water, like boat race and pearl diving just to name a few. 
    but ofcourse there might be a reason there aren't many activities to do in the water. 
    But again it's just my opinion and would be cool
  22. King Destroyer liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in Stop the ticket before explanation...   
    I actually married two ppl once  you know forced them into marriage one and other or else 
  23. Dip Dip Potato Chip liked a post in a topic by Reformed epTic in Stop the ticket before explanation...   
    Which sucks, because I like to have fun RP with people but it's hard to RP with people who just give you the self defense and forced to do it story 25 times a day. 

    One of my favorite things to do is take someone to a church and let them confess their sins in return for a pardon. 
  24. TheFatMan liked a post in a topic by Dip Dip Potato Chip in APD Attackboat without the guns, and some more water activitis?   
    I just thought it would be nice If the cops could get the attackboat with the guns removed ofcourse. If the attackboats guns can't be removed maybe add 1 or 2 new boats/watercrafts?
    cause atm we only have 2 boats not counting the sub (wich the cops don't even have). and there is almost no1 patrolling the waters for turtles. I used to do it with a cadet, it was fun but since the turtles are a bit bugged there is almost no1 that are going out in water to hunt turtles, sure there are ppl excavateing and fishing but there is not much ppl doing it. would be nice if there maybe where some more stuff to do in the water, like boat race and pearl diving just to name a few. 
    but ofcourse there might be a reason there aren't many activities to do in the water. 
    But again it's just my opinion and would be cool
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