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AFD Advanced EMT
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Everything posted by TNT

  1. People scammed the fuck out of that discord comp. This is Asylum - We can't have nice things.
  2. TNT

    Change log 8.1.7

    Nothing worth mentioning.
  3. No need for server code. Take a look at fn_setupEVH.sqf and ..core\functions\fn_filterChat.sqf it's your time to shine @Gen. Henry Arnold, write dat code!
  4. Join me @Le Razoir and I'll show you some sick revives.
  5. Yes! I might start using the EMS helicopter so I provide people outside Kavala explosions revives.
  6. Your wait for a medic montage is finally over Best medic in town btw
  7. You seems to know a lot about SQF @Treeherder How long have you been scripting on Asylum?
  8. TNT

    Change log 8.0.6

    Watchu mean homie?? Gnashes made a script specifically to prevent that from happening, and you know what, haven't seen a CL since.
  9. TNT

    Change log 8.0.3

    Would rather have a GTA RP server.
  10. TNT

    Change log 8.0.2

    Add the goddamn hard hats @bamf!
  11. ✔️Outdated Wordpress ✔️Outdated IPB ✔️Outdated Teamspeak ✔️Asylum
  12. Does this mean some of the content that's been created by community members in the past, might get added to the mission file?
  13. Sound distance seems to be broken on say3D which Asylum use to play the siren sound. Maybe switch to playSound3D? @Gnashes
  14. Joke's on you - I never leave Kavala!
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