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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by KrazyKnight

  1. I could be mistaken. But as far as I'm aware the only thing you need to worry about is going to a drug dealer and that's it. Feel like there needs to be more layers to that or just removed for sure.
  2. The following should be in my opinion removed/changed LSD Home Grown Weed/Passive Money Making methods Mobile Distiller and Crank This topic has been mentioned in a few forums, so I felt I should make this more or less official. From what I've observed, there are not a ton of face-to-face interactions when it comes to gathering illegal goods, allowing an easy income rather than having to earn it. I feel as so with LSD; there's a process you have to do up until you need to make sheets (where the money is at.) I feel as so with LSD. Have LSD Sheets be turned over in the purification factory rather than having it roll over in your home like that of scotch. Everything else, in my opinion, should be removed and leave scotch as the primary way to make "passive" income. If this were to become the case, it would increase the risk for all illegal items and allow more interactions. I would love to hear everyone's opinions on the matter.
  3. So long as this isn't another passive money making bull shit I'm down.
  4. If my memory serves right, it's extremely buggy from what I remember. Used to push up the main hallway stairs and would fall through that shit sometimes.
  5. Why are you demoting ten people? Company layoffs???
  6. I wouldn't mind glitching the fuck out of ghost hotel while in a fight. That sounds like fun!!!!!!!!
  7. Yo while this suggestion post is open, can we get rid of ERCO's? Thanks.
  8. Already denied sadly.
  9. Used to, not anymore. Just a flag now.
  10. I was on cloud fucking 9 when I stole 300k from someone going to donor reb. Good times.
  11. True statement. Easiest hemmet box truck run my fucking life. Quick 200k profit with no risk.
  12. Did you get the money from that roach job?
  13. Second this. That's why I was really happy when we had that one community meeting. Felt like the right direction to get talks going.
  14. I got a hot take. Just remove Dom. I said it.
  15. God was not on your side that day.
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