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Boonie Hat

Boonie Hats R Cool
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Everything posted by Boonie Hat

  1. his grandma needed it more than your friend
  2. Boonie Hat


    Prison now is Disable security and 10 cops teleport there shooting everyone.
  3. We should remove every armor aspect and we wont have to worry about fairness at all.
  4. Copy this format then [Make thread app here] You need to make sure you are able to meet the requirements or your app will be denied.
  5. P4 is kicking every 5mins nonstop, we had a hard restart that kept it away for 1hr and it's back again.
  6. Record, report, done. It seems you are less complaining about admins doing their jobs and the fact there is a lot of killing.. welcome to Asylum.
  7. https://i.gyazo.com/dbc3cce8f585dd6e13165985e9f2c93a.gif
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