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Everything posted by operatorjohnny^

  1. Update: So now, after two days of this, Asylum is now on it's last straw. Server 4 is repeatedly crashing. As for Server 1, I fear the same. Server 2 and 3 have to manually be put to due to a flaw in the scripts (as far as I know) . If something does not happen soon, I fear the fall of asylum. All 4 servers were full until this dumbass update came into play. Maybe, just maybe, the developers will take a break from PUBG for a few hours and fix this shit. And do not expect Identity to ever come out...if they can't maintain 4 servers on ArmA, they surely won't be able to maintain a full game. (and also, no personal attack to any devs is meant)
  2. As soon as S3 goes up, more than half of S4's pop goes to S3...it is the best running server, why not leave it up instead of S4?
  3. don't listen to this man. he is a 15 year old who says he's 18. xehons needs mental and physical help immediately
  4. I completely agree. Sure 8.0 added crank and a few new vehicles, but they really did nothing major. There needs to be a major update to fix many issues..and maybe even consult the community for some new additions?
  5. On further investigation, the new update is even more shitty than I thought.
  6. I have seen that S1 and S4 now have the capacity to hold 110 players...but why? They both constantly crash, lag out, or get DDoSed. It has come to my attention that S3 and S2 will only see the light of day on the weekends. If you are going to have two servers will a high player capacity, atleast let those who have houses on S3 and S2 sell them so that they don't have to wait to use the things they own. Honestly, I think there needs to be more interaction with the community..as I see slim to none. Another thing that needs to be addressed is gangs. Everyone left for olympus, and there are no more good gangs to fight with or against...maybe some new features for gangs will bring some of the good players back? Edit: I found much need to edit my post. As soon as I get on S4, there is a mass battleye kick. This shows how bad of a provider Asylum has. Why doesn't olympus have these issues? I can get on any of their servers and have no issues. S1 and S4 are crashing so much that they are unplayable. No wonder why everyone left for olympus. I just don't get how you can think that making the two laggiest servers be able to hold more players would solve any issue..because it doesn't. If other providers are too expensive, then how about listening to your community for a change? Maybe implement some of the ideas that the community wants instead of playing PUBG all day. That may give people a reason to donate to your servers, because where we are right now, there isn't. If you agree, please say something. Update: So now, after two days of this, Asylum is now on it's last straw. Server 4 is repeatedly crashing. As for Server 1, I fear the same. Server 2 and 3 have to manually be put to due to a flaw in the scripts (as far as I know) . If something does not happen soon, I fear the fall of asylum. All 4 servers were full until this dumbass update came into play. Maybe, just maybe, the developers will take a break from PUBG for a few hours and fix this shit. And do not expect Identity to ever come out...if they can't maintain 4 servers on ArmA, they surely won't be able to maintain a full game. (and also, no personal attack to any devs is meant)
  7. please go on s4 rn and tell me that it's my internet. please.
  8. I need your money because I'm poor and really don't want to make money. CRH, we've had some good times, and one more will be this money giveaway. I hope you think of your old pal John when you're going to give this money away. CRH hope you have a good time, but most of all, I WANT YOUR MONEY!. jk ily.
  9. In-game name: s | John ^ Age: 14 Arma 3 hours (screenshot): https://gyazo.com/92a0ea34bacc181779f4d3b90b8dbcc8 Location/Timezone: EST Past/Current Gangs: Stellar, Turtle Hunters, Orbit Bank Balance: idk almost 100k. il;l make money tho Do you have a working mic? hell yes Why do you want to join Thantos ? because I need a S1 gang and y'all seem good What can you bring to Thantos ?a shit ton of frags Are there any current members who can vouch for you? probably
  10. In-game name - John ^ Age - 14 Bank - like 1.2 mil Arma 3 Hours (Include screenshot) - https://gyazo.com/810c158070280be9bd6bb6bbba342a59 Estimated hours on asylum? 1.7k Ifrits / Orcas in garage - 1 ifrit Previous gangs - Turtle Hunters, Fall of Eden, Invictus Any vouches within the gang, Please list whom - None What can you bring to the gang - A skilled fighter who is ready to fight whenever
  11. If you don't like Tanoa, then don't come on here. This is a forum thread for us supports to discuss ideas. If you don't like it, leave.
  12. Honestly, I would donate some money to get Tanoa back right now...I just do no see why the devs aren't considering it. It is a Strife vs. Tanoa at this point, because you brought up money. We don't want coke, we don't want Turtles, we don't want any of that. We want to see the beautiful map that we all know and love. We want to fight at the cartels we all know and love. Most of all: We just want Tanoa back.
  13. I hope the developers are talking some of these points into consideration.
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