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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by massi

  1. Cop isn't even a good source of money compared to rebel. If I played rebel instead of cop and grinded all the time I'd have soo much more money than I currently have. In fact I lose money playing cop because I often pull armor. As you might know, the APD doesn't have a gang bank to comp vehicles being lost. Back to your main point, you're basically asking the admins to spoon feed you. There are plenty of ways for new players to make money, why don't you try running some scotch or crank? Instead you just want it all given to you. I find it hard to believe that because you're a new player you struggle to make money. Perhaps take a gander at the wiki.
  2. Just to be clear I'm not against the idea of a Christmas event, but asking for money is way over the top and frankly just selfish. I heard henry made a snowfall script, that'd be pretty cool to have.
  3. Ask them for presents or go make your own money. You want 1 million dollars just for sitting in Kavala on Christmas?? Are you out of your mind?
  4. I enjoyed the video! Good luck with recruitment.
  5. I watched that movie the other day, it was good
  6. I agree with everything but drones for corporals. They were removed for a reason from corporals. Great suggestions though
  7. justice for who? the innocent officers killed in this very dangerous stunt?
  8. because not only did the players not care but even the admins didn't
  9. i dont see anything wrong with the bank, not sure why everyone is complaining about it. it's infinitely better than the prison we had in sofia
  10. Get out of here it's still the 21st
  11. https://clips.twitch.tv/BigHeartlessCakeBatChest painbringa still looking on point
  12. will you guys add back crates auto-showing as soon as you connect so we can age scotch without having to go to each of our houses every time?
  13. they've already switched hosting providers IIRC. aws will cost a lot
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