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Altis Military Rules (gang)

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  • Always respect and follow the commander's orders.

  • You must have a commander in charge. In the scenario a Master Sergeant+ is not online, the next highest in command takes charge. This is done through a vote from all parties.

  • RDM/ VDM is prohibited. 

  • Initiations are announced as, “Military. Hands up or perish.”

  • You must be in Discord at all times.

  • Only Commanders in your platoon can use group chat. This is used for communication between platoons and should be used at a minimum.




Listed from lowest to highest rank.


  1. Private (PV2)

  2. Private First Class (PFC)

  3. Corporal (CPL)

  4. Specialist (SPC)

  5. Sargent (SGT)

  6. Staff Sergeant (SSG)

  7. Sergeant First Class (SFC)

  8. Sergeant Major (SGM)

  9. Command Sergeant Major (CSM)

  10. Sergeant Major of the Army (SMA)


Policies/ Callouts

  • Formation stand in a line facing the high up.

  • Black almost out of water, fuel, or ammo. (anyone can call out)

  • Positions seek cover with eyes on the target (or target area) make sure you keep at least 10 m from other soldiers.

  • When a commander says, “Altis” shout “Defenders!”


  • No initiation is to be made without the commander's order or permission.





Combat Training

Combat training is held at a certain location on the map. This location will be outlined in red and failure to stay in the zone will result in disciplinary action. During Combat training your platoon is divided equally into two groups. Each group starts at each predetermined side of the zone. Also, each group goes to their assigned channel in Discord. 


During Combat training one to two military medics are allowed; If you are medic use blood bags and narcan shots. Rounds fired must be Rubber Rounds (bounty hunter rounds). If you are shot and a medic doesn't revive you in time before you awaken you must put your hands up; Medics will have to use a blood bag on you before you are allowed to return to battle.




Each member must go through boot camp, this is usually a 1 week duration period. You will have two strikes before you fail boot camp and you must wait 3 days to reapply. 


Bootcamp Rules

  • In order to speak you must have permission from the commander. Ask, “<command name>, do I have permission to speak?”

  • In order to finish boot camp a knowledge test must be passed with an 80% or higher. 

  • You must complete all phases of boot camp. 


Bootcamp Phases include but are not limited to desert dash ( a 5km run ), combat training, compliance of orders, and 80%+ on knowledge tests.

Junke, Donald, Kernikov and 3 others like this
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