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spike strips


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As it’s been stated in past suggestions on this topic, we cannot ram or s1 vehicles as arma sucks and people will just blow up and die so this is why cops are able to use spike in vehicles. I don’t know if you have been a cop but to deploy spikes there is about a 3 second delay from when you hit they button to drop and when they actually drop so it takes a little bit of skill to time it correctly. It’s pretty easy to avoid getting spiked, if you see a cop drive in front of you turn a different direction off the road. Most cops only carry one spike and if it misses they have to stop and go back and grab it each time they drop it. 

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11 hours ago, Roy said:

being able to spike strip without sirens is crazy and so fucking stupid. Great idea thats one of the many reasons the other server does better. thats it remove them

ok we should also make a feature which lock civilian guns unless our ai voice detector hears them say "hands up or die" in side chat.


keep your scooter parked in the driveway, moron.

7 hours ago, Infamous [FULL SEND] said:

IMO honestly one of the worst parts about this server, not to mention the whole deploying spikes while in your vehicle thing. Super realistic.

if you're serious swing from the rafters

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