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Asylum Comeback

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Huh...Well i did not last long without Asylum.I guess once u come here its actually hard to leave...Also it is great to see you guys again.So since I'am back to the community i started to get inspired again for making these kind of videos,hopefully you will enjoy this one.Hit me with the stuff u did or did not like,so i can improve in the future.Kind Regards!  Max:)


bunni, Mate, Budbringer and 25 others like this
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15 minutes ago, Pentax said:

Isn't this the same guy that went "developing" w/e the heck that other altis life server was and as he left, he did something extra that I will not disclose here, and now once that other life server has completely failed, you returned? lol, nice riddance.

Your hint is assigning instead of comparing, figured somebody would have mentioned before me.


48 minutes ago, Maxツ said:

Huh...Well i did not last long without Asylum.I guess once u come here its actually hard to leave...Also it is great to see you guys again.So since I'am back to the community i started to get inspired again for making these kind of videos,hopefully you will enjoy this one.Hit me with the stuff u did or did not like,so i can improve in the future.Kind Regards!  Max:)


Nice video, how long would you estimate the editing time on that? (Out of curiosity)

Edited by Legit
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5 minutes ago, Legit said:

Your hint is assigning instead of comparing, figured somebody would have mentioned before me.


Nice video, how long would you estimate the editing time on that? (Out of curiosity)

Editing is probably not to hard usually, The making of everything is fucking mind breaking tho getting all the loadouts/uniforms/positions/postures and stuff. Absolutely aids.

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Just now, TheCrestedPenguin said:

Editing is probably not to hard usually, The making of everything is fucking mind breaking tho getting all the loadouts/uniforms/positions/postures and stuff. Absolutely aids.

I wasn't specific enough but I was including all the animations with the AI and whatnot. Seems super tedious :P 

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33 minutes ago, TheCrestedPenguin said:


I think thats what you mean i highly doubt he when into any software to make animations and made his own animations ( Might be wrong ) 

Yeah, There are a whole ton of animations you can run in the editor. I just mean timing them all right with the vehicle movements and whatnot would be tedious. 

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6 hours ago, Pentax said:

Isn't this the same guy that went "developing" w/e the heck that other altis life server was and as he left, he did something extra that I will not disclose here, and now once that other life server has completely failed, you returned? lol, nice riddance. @Axe


Y u tag me dad.


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13 hours ago, Pentax said:

Isn't this the same guy that went "developing" w/e the heck that other altis life server was and as he left, he did something extra that I will not disclose here, and now once that other life server has completely failed, you returned? lol, nice riddance. @Axe

Thats MaxDude, this is Max ex-LT from server 1 from a few months ago.

Maxツ likes this
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