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APD Officer
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About Beef...

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  1. In-game name: Beef Time spent on Asylum: 3.3k https://gyazo.com/3ee3f35b7522e02c57c1ccb170b3dd9c Previous admin action: I was banned by BABS once. Why do you want to join us: You guys seem like suitable friends. About you: I've previously been a part of Paragon & some other small gangs that weren't really gangs. I'm 20 years old.
  2. Is this how I can get my Sergeant back? @Tyler @DarkKnight
  3. Beef...

    APD Rant

    I don't completely understand your sarcastic response to this post. How is it showing that he isn't mature by making a suggestion & hoping that if he made a post he could possibly get into the APD? Edit: Everyone should be a little more respectful & show the kid some gratitude for not lying on his police app like 60% of the already APD officers did. I would rather have a kid thats respectful & doesn't lie than some douche that thinks hes above everyone. (75% of the APD)
  4. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent.
  5. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent.
  6. You tagged the wrong Beef fam, goodbye dood.
  7. +1, but in my opinion a better suggestion would be to add a tab that includes 3 boxes that the gang leader is able to checkoff for each member. (First box: able to Invite players, second box: able to take money out of the gang bank, third box: able to declare/end gang wars) Ah shit already suggested by Eixuna, good suggestion.
  8. Accepted for interview, TeamSpeak sent!
  9. Yeah, it was just a joke Eric. I actually only get like 40 in cities & like 60 in the middle of nowhere.
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