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Everything posted by BlackShot

  1. Forums down? Thanks, Obama.

  2. Nice art, @Boon. Now, can you work on @Mitch (IFRIT)'s horrendous content?
  3. Look, the only thing I did was compile a list with the most reasonable problems/solutions that people here had already discussed. However, I'm not saying we should apply every single nerf listed. On the other hand, it's impossible to ignore that, even if most players don't want to see bounty hunting being removed, they do expect some nerfing.
  4. From what I could notice, these are the main issues and they can all be addressed: BOUNTY HUNTERS ARE TOO OVERPOWERED - Restrict 5.56 rifles access to skip tracer and increase their prices. - Increase price of Hunter and/or let it be unlocked via BH honor tree only. - Reconsider pilot coveralls. BOUNTY HUNTERS SEND EVERYONE TO JAIL - Increase minimum bounty price to something between 15-25k. That wouldn't punish self-defense cases and allows time to pay off bounties (courthouse or cop ticket). BOUNTY HUNTERS ARE CONSTANTLY DOWNING AND LEAVING PEOPLE RESTRAINED - Increase BH license price by at least 200-300% (but perhaps don't make it so rebel license replaces it, just add a cooldown on switching them). - Cops are *required* to seize Bounty Hunters licenses if: they kidnap cops or civs OR they down a civ who doesn't have a bounty, isn't armed and charge is prested. (Cop vs. BH policy could be better discussed. Just some ideas to make it less worth for Bounty Hunters to abuse their powers.)
  5. I like the idea of loading a dead body into a car/ambulance. It sure would need some balancing for medics and civs - to make it worth for both parties -, but doesn't sound bad at all.
  6. So I'm sort of an aficionado of police sirens and I've been missing Asylum's multiple siren sounds. However, I also think it's about time we had new police sirens (we've had the same for years now). Because of that, I've compiled a few siren sounds and mixed some samples with Audacity. I also added the old sirens at the end of the video - which I also like a lot. Nothing too complex or extraordinary, but here's the result: Download link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ANTQ0BJaqayqzpqosDbwmAm2zuY5XGfe
  7. If someone is harassing you, report them. If they're calling you non-stop, turn off call notification sounds. This feature is already in place.
  8. I'm really sorry about your loss. Welcome back!
  9. It seems they've been developing the game for 2 years already (with a small team), and would need about 6~12 months to release early access if they reach their monetary goal.
  10. Interesting. Looks like they've been developing the game for 2 years already (with a small team), and would need about 6~12 months to release early access if they reach their monetary goal to expand their crew.
  11. See if you have any luck by downloading and installing their official software. Just click here to download or here to see their page.
  12. What's your keyboard's brand and model?
  13. Houses have been a bit buggy lately. It's something that will be rewritten for Asylum V2. However, if you lost any items which you'd like to reclaim, just submit a request here.
  14. This is the general Suggestions and Feedback place, it's fine if he wants to make a post here. As for your request, @Demon!, the devs occasionally check this area for new ideas, but I'll try to go ahead and let them know about your suggestion. Thanks!
  15. What exactly are you talking about?
  16. Finally a post worth clicking!
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