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Gen. Henry Arnold

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Everything posted by Gen. Henry Arnold

  1. You can’t open the doors, it would be the most far off from the current list of house buildings and is not a good implementation.
  2. Ate more money than it generated, probably the wrong money, new players I wish we still had it I'm against removing content entirely
  3. You can launch jets off the carrier with the aircraft carrier catapult
  4. Was disabled because they weren't getting the money, and other reasons.
  5. Id like to see blackfish and Huron on civ for the right price
  6. Added a zipper sound when you finish gathering, mining, or processing items.
  7. Yea we can add them And we have custom get in vehicle scripts to let people use DLC vehicles without the DLC already
  8. Then they have to go to DMV to drive to HQ to gear up?
  9. Takes away from the big Evidence lockup and I think cops are tired of events they have to respond to. We could rework the Evidence lockup to spawn a few trucks that split the loot instead so smaller groups can attempt it while large groups can still try to get everything. This could also drop the required amount of cops needed.
  10. Possible and you can have it only lock the upper door and stair door
  11. Smh I wasn’t the one who broke it
  12. Could add a scroll wheel option any time you're on sand, that's all the salt scroll option does
  13. The turf cap timer was meant to be one minute back in June 2021 when it they were changed It will be one minute in the next patch
  14. Thought of it before, will see the performance hit of checking your area each frame, maybe a cache
  15. It will use the coke before it uses the redgull
  16. The full screen NVG effect we have is done by a certain item, there is no black variant.
  17. Guess I can have a giant ass rabbit fly through the sky and shit out airdrops, not sure about the others
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