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Everything posted by Patato

  1. Yes it can... I literally just killed a cop up there last bank i can make a gif if you want. The trick is for the cop to sit where it is double walled there is a bit where the door is open. hide behind the door and the wall for safety. Helpful info
  2. Lighthouse is penetrable. Meaning you can shoot ppl even when they are behind it. Lighthouse = Concealment not cover
  3. All that needs to be done to the bank is. 1. Add a staircase to unreachable 2. Add another way up to first ATM/Some firing position like a crane or radio tower that doesn't have a lot of cover but it forces ATM players to at least peak so they can't just lay down and watch the single ladder all day long. 3. Change up the area known as "Meth Houses" or fix the doors so we can go in the buildings
  4. #TeamSmirnoff #TeamClint #TeamSubaru Rodrigo retired on me i can't handle that type of uncertainty :3
  5. Why does it just jump frames we dont get to see him go under
  6. I was at that bank and literally didn't notice until he said something about it. Kinda sad we have such shit tac-coms that i block it out now ;3
  7. Ive found the helicopter method profitable in the past. You just need to cherry pick out the people who wreck/Crash on the road. Don't go to cartels/Red-zones. if you fly over something and you see hostiles with a gun simply don't land. When i first started on asylum i came up to a wreck of 4 rebels fully geared and revived them and got 50k as a thank you. Can't afford a helicopter? Go to Athira, Smaller city less medic's and people still constantly die there. Just make sure the shooting stops and clean up afterwards, not that you even have to wait for the shooting to stop. Medics risk absolutely nothing if they are on foot, if you die as a medic it means nothing as you don't lose money for dieing. Finally the most important note. Medic is not a slot that is intended to make money. It is intended as a slot to role-play a different role. Attempting to be a "Career Medic" will not net you any money but it wont really lose you any money either as again if your on foot you have zero risk. That being said i do think medics need some help but plenty of suggestions have been suggested before.
  8. Or maby its right beside a garage and less than 1KM from rebel.
  9. Welcome to Asylum! See you at the church ill be sure to bring my Sdar
  10. Donator perks still transfer to strife which is on Tanoa, i mean at least i had my donator baret
  11. For the large white house on S2 ill bid 225k as an opener
  12. Im going to go with Server 1 on this. :3
  13. Oh you havn't seen rude yet Dredd. I've got flash-bangs with your name on em next time i catch you. And this time you being on a ride-along won't stop me
  14. I mean they are the same gang that uploads vesting a LT strider while it was in the middle of athira. Its pretty obv they don't have alot of money
  15. If they can mitch you and i might need to have a talk about attacking kavala HQ. i have a way getting boats to the front door if you know what i mean.
  16. Here's my perspective on it @Flameless https://i.gyazo.com/ea5ed7f7b7459da7edf4adca074bfa43.mp4
  17. Game thought he got stuck on the wall. Once the server synced up with actual player position it made it look like a teleport. AKA you got arma'd
  18. Thats why i have a garage and a house with nitro right outside air hQ ;3
  19. Either way they got in our gang group and used the advantage to rob us.
  20. Constantly logging in and out of the server roughly 40 times isnt intentionally glitching? who knew guess they were just reloging. alot.
  21. You mean like glitching into a gang group and useing that information to rob us. -No action taken
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