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Everything posted by Alex.

  1. why are you pulling it in the first place if you dont even have the garage unlocked yet.
  2. Im more of a career cop then rebel but when your making suggestions you gotta look at both sides. Imagine a guy whos over 150k not being able to go anywhere cuz he can just get shot on sight by civs and cops it just wont be fun. Should always have to initiate so the guy can atleast get a chance to fight back.
  3. I dont believe someone should be KOS just cuz of their bounty. pretty simple.
  4. who tf is that fake alex appearing 3 times in a row nigga gotta change his name thought it was me for a sec.
  5. Alex.


    While we at it add back lethal payouts aswell.
  6. Damn i forgot about this legendary clan
  7. Alex.

    Changelog May

    I hope cops don't have this option. I already waste 10-20 lockpicks on one single cop vehicle. @Ronald knows the pain.
  8. Increase kill payouts for Srt. At the moment you only get 1k per kill not enough for the 5k respawn fee +2k vehicle fee, i suggest maybe increasing it from 1k to 2k per kill.
  9. Just close your eyes and play on 0 volume problem solved.
  10. who are you fooling that shit aint gonna bring no one back. Server pop has nothing to do with house weed being removed. want money go out into the map and grind it.
  11. Alex.

    Lower down timer

    Sounds like little Timmy needs some brain cells.
  12. Alex.

    Lower down timer

    this post has nothing to do with federal events. but its not fun when you trade with someone and you lay there for a whole minute and by the time you get up that cop had enough time to respawn and have the whole force on you. pretty sure it wasnt always this long never saw the reason for it to be raised. just trying to make it fair for civs whens cops are fighting they are most of the time in groups so i get downed and even if i killed that one cop the rest near have more then enough time to come and restrain me before i get a chance to fight back.
  13. Alex.

    Lower down timer

    when you get downed you lay there for a whole minute before you get back up. think one minute is to much 40 seconds would be great.
  14. Alex.

    Lower down timer

    think your funny ey @Patato
  15. Alex.

    Lower down timer

    1 minute is to damn long in this bitch. lower to 30-35 seconds maybe 40.
  16. Alex.

    Self lockpick

    typical robocop suggestion for full tickets/straight to jail. I swear some of yall retards forget this is a RP server.
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