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AFD Paramedic
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Everything posted by Master27411

  1. Master27411

    Leady wtf?

    It might be the operator hehe
  2. Master27411

    Leady wtf?

    We've made a clarification to the rules regarding entering another players house. Going forward, Dropping Y inventory to prevent other players from climbing ladders, entering doors, or to block roadways is not allowed. We have also updated the rule around VDM ***Intentional*** contact between vehicles is not allowed and will be treated as VDM. Example: If someone is in a IFRIT, and a hatch back rams into their side, back, or front on purpose, they will be held accountable for VDM regardless if the IFRIT was destroyed or disabled.
  3. Master27411

    Leady wtf?

    You are now known as Johnny Appleseed
  4. Master27411

    Leady wtf?

    I blame the canadians
  5. There is a scroll wheel bug where your scroll wheel stops working or you have to hit f1 to fix it
  6. Ask any ds member or toxicc. I’m quite destructive
  7. I’m not that toxic. I wouldn’t have done it anyway since it was you doing fed ?
  8. Would be a shame if I was on and went boom lol jk
  9. I have a 70k rodo house with garage right down the road from flag
  10. I think you guys are passed the age limit
  11. Do you have any interest in a 70k with garage in rodo
  12. Hes gotta keep moving around and be sneaky
  13. Very smart man! I do as well and it helps because I can get through college and not be worried about finances
  14. I'm not sure why everyone has had a problem with the casino. I lost 500k one day, but it was something else i could do with my money. Just like normal casinos you aren't guaranteed to win at all, but its fun. I'm just glad the casino and lottery are out because it is content for the community.
  15. There has been a bug where a medic will go to revive someone and it stops mid revive for no reason
  16. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: House and Garage House Size(40k/70k/150k/220k): 70k with garage next door Location (Town/DP#): Rodopoli Asking Price: offer Description: Right down the road from flag and comes with a garage for convience Pictures/Video Walk-through:
  17. Who are you again? Didn't know you existed because you are so bad. You are still being a little bitch 15 year old bitching about two hemmits getting blown up. Go get some milk from your mom
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