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Everything posted by Emma

  1. That was actually really cool... do it AGAIN!
  2. Good laugh, here's a positive reputation point... pretty soon you'll be back in the green!
  3. What the fuck was Fuze's plan in the second clip? Also the first one was a little eh, he did melee you it seems, but who knows, it's Siege
  4. His brilliance will remain unmatched and he will never be forgotten. Today is also the day that Albert Einstein was born...
  5. Which news team was covering the chase?
  6. Suddenly when the tables have turned, the salt spills out...
  7. Emma

    Anyone Jealous?

    You're from Jersey... uh oh
  8. Emma

    Anyone Jealous?

    And you probably pay less than we do!!!
  9. This is the best I can do... considering my Asylum wallet is only $83,000
  10. Wind ruins the use of smoke grenades and if it's not in your favour, it's not going to be a very good day. Granted, wind occurs in real life and there isn't shit we can do about it but I don't want some random RNG roll determining if my smoke grenade plums or literally coats the grass in a knee high cloud of smoke... As for rain, it was okay and welcome but driving at night with night vision almost felt like entering and exiting hyperspace from the white lines of rain coming towards your screen. As for fog, I've never really dealt with it so I can't offer my opinion on that.
  11. The car is still there to this day, it has become an Altis Airport monument
  12. Emma

    Change log 8.1.0

    You knew it was coming! That's not fair, inside job Gnashes!!!
  13. Damn, @Maxime, think you could top this? Also, what gear are you wearing, is that part of that free DLC that came out with the backpack?
  14. Flying in the air is pretty good cover, no one is expecting that
  15. Welcome to Asylum where integrity has been left outside to rot
  16. I didn't even realize that, that made me smile =D
  17. Oh I know but I've never had a problem with you Kettles, ^-^ we've always had a good time together and I missed playing with the good Tunnel Snake players
  18. Meh, doesn't bother me to be quite honest, rather be transparent with people.
  19. Pretty much, in the past, I've just up and left for awhile without any ifs or buts and I rather not hide anything anymore if I do come back
  20. I guess that's a word to call it, an introduction for someone who has been around since February of 2016. I've seen the ups and downs of this community, made good friends (Love all of you guys) and made enemies as well (Fuck all you guys). The ups were good, the downs sucked, and everything in the middle was a mosh pit of jokes, laughing, giggling, dying, one taps, dying some more, and 3rd person peeking on bank... Dying was a common thing for me during my Asylum days, and it made it a lot of fun. I joined the server nearly 2 years ago and it was a blast, it was new and ArmA was a really cool game. I had a brand new gaming computer that I built myself and I was proud of it and it's been right there during the shit that's gone down on this server. The APD was one of the best things for me to take on, it was fun, it was serious, and I've learned a few things along the way and made some very close acquaintances and enemies all the same. I started playing under the alias Patrick James, my first name and my middle name, then started copying names from ArmA 3 AI like Andrew MacKinnon to name one of the ones I still recall. Then I started going by Padric, my Irish variation of my name as well as a last name that was so fucking hard to pronounce and spell, I didn't have the time to copy/paste it. But this isn't about the role I put on but the mask I've worn for many years of my life. Last May, after a long struggle of self identity, questions, crying, more crying, and nights where I couldn't sleep, it finally came clear to me and the closet door opened so to speak... I came out, and it was even more crying, questions, and long nights after that because fear of the unknown sucks. I didn't come out as gay or bisexual, something that our society is coming to understand and accept more and more, I came out as transgender... I came out as Emma... and goddamn it was both a relief and an overwhelming sense of what's next. For a few months I went to see a therapist to discuss my life and who I saw myself as and more importantly, who I wanted to be. My next goal was hormones, it was a long, scary road with fluffy clouds and rainbows at the end, I just had to get there and finally, I did. On September 19, 2017, I began my official transition from Patrick to Emma and it's been eye opening for me to say the least. We often bash people with depression, who are gay or bi or many of the other sexuality, who believe themselves to be this gender or that gender. We say that they have mental disorders or are less of a person and should be treated as such and we often treat them as lesser individuals. We treat people who have no idea who they are as a physical person and make them feel even less so, driving them to do unspeakable things to themselves and those around them. I'm not making a plea for everyone to be nice to others, but to keep this Forum clean and keep the shit I've already heard out of this chat. I'm opening up to this community because everyone here (mostly) has crossed my path once in-while and we've shared experiences that I still remember to this day. At the end of the day, Asylum was my family for 1,500 hours of my life, this community of squeakers, degenerates, nobodies, somebodies, killers, dealers, escapees, and straight up motherfucking career cops, are all my friends and my virtual family. I might be back, I've been on hiatus for several months now, losing my rank as Corporal in the APD and being, once again, a constable. As a transgender girl, I often hear the term of my "dead" name but I'm not dead, its simply my "old" name, who I was before I finally found myself. "Patrick" isn't dead, that was 20 years of my life and on the outside, looking back, despite the problems I've had, it was a good life but now I'm beginning as who I've always been on the inside, my name is Emma, I am 21 years old, and life... is going to be interesting. Thank you and I love everyone, except for a few... but let's start over again. Emma <3
  21. Emma

    Drive sober

    We can all drive safely... it's the other fucks on the road that you have to worry about...
  22. If you were to get VDM'd, who would get banned, the quadbike, the ISP, ArmA Developers, or you?
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