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Big Fred

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Posts posted by Big Fred

  1. 13 minutes ago, K A Z E M said:

    it's says connecting failed? and i was playing s3 and s1 yesterday 

    That's what it says on the clients end IIRC.
    In side chat it probably says Kazeem connected. Kazeem disconnected.

    In my experience, a day or two later: no problem.


  2. 4 hours ago, K A Z E M said:


    @Gen. Henry Arnoldafter the HotFix I cannot log on to server 1 and server 3 but for some reason I can log in to 2


    It's not the hotfix. It's a random server/client handshake failure. You connect, but disconect instantly.

    On your end it doesn't even show this however. I've experienced it multiple times. All you need to do is wait for another server session and it usually fixes itself.

    Sucks to sit out gaming sessions though, or even worse: to go outside. and see the sun.

  3. 14 hours ago, Bandit said:

    It alSo Is A pAsSiVe MoNeY mAkEr, MeAnInG yOu CaN dO cOkE/mEtH dUrInG tHoSe 5,675,902 ReStArTs.

    How the hell is it passive when it has all the same activitiy requirements as Meth or any other drug?
    You have to collect the ingredients.
    Get them to the processing.
    Process them at an illegal area.
    Get them out of there.
    Then go to an illegal area to sell them.
    Add to that, the fact you also have to stop at your house inbetween and wait 6000 restarts while you toggle all your barrels every restart to get full loads of 25 year old.

    How is that even remotely close to any passive activity?


    J9HUNNA likes this
  4. 6 hours ago, Ron Johnson said:
    6 hours ago, Ron Johnson said:

    [menny text and pictures]

    He's right you know.

    I'm an S1 resident and have been for years. All my main shit is on there, including 300 grenades at coke field.

    However, I currenly play S3 most of the time due to the people that "live" there.

    I don't even care I have to go to rebel to gear up.

    The culture on S3 is what keeps me logging on to Asylum, not the number of players.

    Sp0on likes this
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