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Sheriff Rick

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Everything posted by Sheriff Rick

  1. Who made you seethe enough to make a forum post about gating lmfao
  2. I'd like to see a scotch buff, don't get me wrong but white lightning takes a while to make; gather the ingredients, process twice, transport to distillery, and process again. The money per hour probably isn't amazing in comparison to to a lot of things.
  3. I think Scotch should be higher, and if it was it would make white lightning riskier. Let's not nerf Moonshine/White Lightning into the ground and have yet another useless method to make money on the server please But nothing needs to be done to Moonshine and White Lightning other than making it harder to run it just outside of your house. God forbid something is actually viable and you don't have to run the same old meth and shit to make money. Something you have to process three times should be worth around $500? Lol.
  4. Aren't most of you all ban evading because you hacked in the past or something?
  5. I choose to believe that Farmer and Bag are up to something just because I've seen like three people go full schizo mode and have these crazy ass conspiracies that make them look like AIPAC to the United States
  6. I'd like to think that this is all for the memes but I think there's some serious coping going on underneath and I find that disturbing
  7. Pretty sure you have to buy the DLC for it to be installed unlike all the other DLCs like Apex and Contact
  8. Would be the nicest quality of life feature of all time
  9. It's making it to where there is absolutely zero reason for anyone to buy that DLC unless they first give Asylum a ridiculous amount of money. They're making the DLC pointless to buy for what's probably a somewhat noticeable chunk of Arma's playerbase nowadays
  10. It's rich that the people who can barely initiate properly want to cry about rdm and then want to be petty about comp. Luckily in your case that most of the time people will just trade with you by the time "Hands uppa" travels from Beijing to a freer nation
  11. Asians gotta get a piece of that grievance against white people shit
  12. Even physical inventory? That's the only one that feels like it could use more space imo
  13. I'm beginning to think something like this is really needed
  14. 9mm and 45 acp suppressors should be available imo. It gives a reason to use SMGs. Anything above pistol rounds should not have suppressors at all 4-5's should be buyable on civ, but LTs get butthurt over a single pistol so its not happening
  15. Phew! I never thought we'd get more DS admins!
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