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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Sp0on

  1. even with all the armor it was a tragic day for the apd. I spent over 100k on loadouts before i decided to log off.
  2. It was @Samperino being a fucking boss because we were getting fucked for no reason. Like no phone call no dress, not even a "hay gurl, smile." Nope. Just some server regs playing on a "dying" server. That fight was a lot of fun tbh.
  3. yes you can... samp got chief for being shit at rust
  4. when are you getting sgt, you beautiful goddamn forsaken ginger?
  5. So I was going through some of my things doing a bit of spring cleaning and I stumbled across my sketchbook that I had while I took a month long dry vaction and forgot that I told a few people that I was going to upload them so decided to do so. I actually would like others to post their sketches/drawings and/or art. It doesn't have to be drawing/painting. If you're a musician then post what you do here. If your craft is of something else then that is also ok. I'd like others to refrain from being destructive within their criticism. Helpful suggestions are ok and welcomed but if you are going to flame then your post will be removed upon request. anyways; here they are: (ps sorry if theyre a bit blurry) https://gyazo.com/7412ee864bf12a5aff322a39d56c868f https://gyazo.com/71db80d1713f9523b6d026c3b242df0c https://gyazo.com/cfb37d15bfa0d363ebeb2581dc82c96f https://gyazo.com/9add42690648a73f02aa2dcbc29005ac https://gyazo.com/c335e7f99313ec3fc9b59a244176cc49 https://gyazo.com/b6b780156d4fa2de501c533d504ee726 https://gyazo.com/16bc07f24f813d9eee5a3ccdcf9f556c https://gyazo.com/1ec6c1aabdfd4dd505d9d498b559ecb1 https://gyazo.com/29036e6efc7c3e177be6e11b170bd39a https://gyazo.com/47335cf6f6438a26550d2b47f5053213
  6. just have @YuSheng eat that extra one
  8. Bumping this app (I've ran into tony a couple of times but ive never seen you)
  9. accepted for trial week. discord will be pmed.
  10. Sp0on

    The Music Thread

    been jamming out to this lately oh, nostalgia
  11. ey i see that pygros clip with my dead body next to that tank. we shitted on those kids.
  12. buy a cat/dog and go enjoy being young. dont bring a kid into this world just because you "feel like having one." do us all that favor.
  13. Sp0on

    The Music Thread

    fuck love this song
  14. the fuck is a tazzer? can i blame this on America?
  15. If you think he's competition then youre in for it
  16. Dax good vid. ill be back online wed.
  17. Sp0on

    Au revoir

    L8r buck. Stay hydrated.
  18. Now accepting people with amazon prime so @Micheal schmeichel can stfu
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