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Former Slave

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  1. Infamous [FULL SEND] liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  2. Blake. liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  3. operatorjohnny^ liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  4. Copa liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  5. Sheriff Rick liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  6. TNT liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  7. Farmer Steve liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  8. Tyrone Darnell liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  9. Mason liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  10. John Oasis liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  11. Gagss liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  12. 王 rando 王 liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  13. kingofcanada liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  14. FYNYAS liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  15. Cre liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  16. halfdrunkhero liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  17. heater liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Asylum APD Virtual Police force moment   
    So much for APD captains being bound by the guidebook!!! 
    Who’s gonna punish the captains? 
  18. Savage. liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in Sheds (Money Making)   
    Save it for later for when there are actually people to fight. 
  19. Tyrone Darnell liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in March of the Volunteers   
    reminds me of the time 
    228大屠杀,2/28大屠杀,又称国民党228事件,简称2/28,是1947年2月27日开始的台湾反政府起义,遭到国民党领导的暴力镇压从 2 月 28 日或 2 月 28 日开始,中华民国政府屠杀了无数平民。估计的死亡人数从 10,000 到 30,000 或更多不等。[1][2]这一事件标志着国民党在台湾的白色恐怖时期的开始,成千上万的居民在台湾消失、死亡或被监禁。这一事件是台湾近代史上最重要的事件之一,是台独运动的重要推动力。 1945年,日本在二战中战败,结束了日本对台湾50年的统治,10月,美国代表联军将台湾的临时行政控制权交给了国民党直辖的中华民国。处理日本军队投降和执政行政的第 1 号通令。当地居民对他们所认为的专横且经常腐败的国民党当局感到不满,他们倾向于任意没收私人财产和经济管理不善。紧张局势的爆发点是 2 月 27 日在台北,当时一名烟贩与一名专卖局官员之间的争执引发了持续数日的内乱和公开叛乱。[需要引证] 起义被政府猛烈镇压中华民国军队和该岛处于戒严状态。 几十年来,这个话题一直是官方的禁忌。 1995年事件周年纪念日,李登辉总统公开发表讲话,这在台湾国家元首中尚属首次。该事件现已公开讨论,并将2月28日定为和平纪念日(繁体中文:Peace Memorial Day;简体中文:Peace Memorial Day;拼音:hépíng jìniànrì),事件的细节成为政府和历史学家调查的主题.每年 2 月 28 日,中华民国总统都会与其他官员齐聚一堂,敲响纪念钟以缅怀遇难者。总统向 2/28 名受害者的家人鞠躬,并给每人一张证书,正式免除任何罪行的受害者,他们之前被列为国家敌人的黑名单。 2/28 遇难者纪念碑和纪念公园已在高雄和台北等台湾城市竖立起来。[3][4]台北前“台北新公园”被重新指定为 228 和平纪念公园,并设有国家 228 纪念馆,以纪念 2011 年 2 月 28 日开放的悲惨事件  
  20. 王 rando 王 liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in March of the Volunteers   
    reminds me of the time 
    228大屠杀,2/28大屠杀,又称国民党228事件,简称2/28,是1947年2月27日开始的台湾反政府起义,遭到国民党领导的暴力镇压从 2 月 28 日或 2 月 28 日开始,中华民国政府屠杀了无数平民。估计的死亡人数从 10,000 到 30,000 或更多不等。[1][2]这一事件标志着国民党在台湾的白色恐怖时期的开始,成千上万的居民在台湾消失、死亡或被监禁。这一事件是台湾近代史上最重要的事件之一,是台独运动的重要推动力。 1945年,日本在二战中战败,结束了日本对台湾50年的统治,10月,美国代表联军将台湾的临时行政控制权交给了国民党直辖的中华民国。处理日本军队投降和执政行政的第 1 号通令。当地居民对他们所认为的专横且经常腐败的国民党当局感到不满,他们倾向于任意没收私人财产和经济管理不善。紧张局势的爆发点是 2 月 27 日在台北,当时一名烟贩与一名专卖局官员之间的争执引发了持续数日的内乱和公开叛乱。[需要引证] 起义被政府猛烈镇压中华民国军队和该岛处于戒严状态。 几十年来,这个话题一直是官方的禁忌。 1995年事件周年纪念日,李登辉总统公开发表讲话,这在台湾国家元首中尚属首次。该事件现已公开讨论,并将2月28日定为和平纪念日(繁体中文:Peace Memorial Day;简体中文:Peace Memorial Day;拼音:hépíng jìniànrì),事件的细节成为政府和历史学家调查的主题.每年 2 月 28 日,中华民国总统都会与其他官员齐聚一堂,敲响纪念钟以缅怀遇难者。总统向 2/28 名受害者的家人鞠躬,并给每人一张证书,正式免除任何罪行的受害者,他们之前被列为国家敌人的黑名单。 2/28 遇难者纪念碑和纪念公园已在高雄和台北等台湾城市竖立起来。[3][4]台北前“台北新公园”被重新指定为 228 和平纪念公园,并设有国家 228 纪念馆,以纪念 2011 年 2 月 28 日开放的悲惨事件  
  21. Former Slave liked a post in a topic by Tyrone Darnell in Asylum X Oly   
    ratio nigga
  22. Former Slave liked a post in a topic by bunni in montage new   
  23. 王 rando 王 liked a post in a topic by Former Slave in April Patch Notes   
    Very good update my ni
  24. Former Slave liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Suicide Bombers shouldnt have to initiate   
    Not everyone has friends, this gives an unfair advantage to social people.
    Please balance this appropriately.
  25. Former Slave liked a post in a topic by KillZone in hacker on s4   
    Help I've fallen and i cant get up
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