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April Patch Notes


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  • New "Blasphemy" Crate 
  • Two Highly Topical Subscriber Skins - 100% this wont be a dead meme by the time the patch comes out
  • Remade & Improved Quest System (Beta)
    • The way quests are handled has been completely rewritten.
    • Releasing with a limited number of quests for testing.
    • Progress and previously completed quests have to be reset for all factions. Consider this the start to a new season of quests (This also means you can re-earn rewards) 
    • Per Restart quests now pull 5-7 random restart quests from a pool instead of displaying every restart quest.
    • New quests! New rewards include the ability to blood bag other players while laying down and a chance to earn a limited number of MXM's for Bounty Hunters.
    • Now features some Anti-Cheese. 
      • More Optimizations
      • Removed Infinite money exploits
      • (Hopefully) fixed existing quests (Progress/Completion)
      • Removed quests that can no longer be completed
      • Fixed some civ quest rewards applying to Cop/Medic
    • Added 2 Secret Hidden Quests. (More to come?)
    • Quest rewards which would affect your domination experience (Pig sniper/cocaine) have been removed for now
    • Domination Quests do not exist for the time being. (Don't worry moon horn is safe)
    • More Quests from the original quests will be added in later patches. 
    • With the amount of change to quests please be sure to make a bug report if any of these are not working
  • Random Turf Flag Spawns
    • Each turf now has 4 flag locations that will be picked from at random on server start.
    • NPC's & vehicle spawns will move with the flag.
  • Time Trial (Alpha?)
    • An ego driven fued which has manifested in Developers racing against each other to set the fastest time.
    • Set a time on our global leaderboards by going to the Go-Kart NPC and hitting "Start time trial"
    • Features 0 Rewards, 0 Money. But you do get to beat our times and feel superior
    • APD will likely camp this to give you a $100 speeding ticket and ruin your day. Pat-Tech672-6724074_transparent-tm-logo-png-logo-trademark-symbol-png-removebg-preview (1).png Missiles may target these officers
    • Features 2 anti cheese methods: 1.) No Nitro 2.) No Admin Menu. All other Shenanigan's welcome.
    • When someone gets a time that seems too fast (or is faster than ours) we will silently delete their time and refuse to accept someone can hit W & shift better than us. 
  • Dynamic Random Events.
    • Earthquake/UFO/Ship Wreck/Plane Crash/Air Drops, Coordinate better when spawning


  • Helicopter controls now unlock for co-pilot when the pilot is killed/downed/disconnected.
  • You can now only start a prison break if a prisoner is inside.
  • Vehicle trackers & Vehicle alarms available at the cop shop
  • Skinning Knife & Nitro now available at Rebel
  • Added the ability to toggle showing your Asylum plus icon (can be found in your phone settings)
  • APD Medic Prestige Talent "I/V Global Elite", Allows APD officers in the medic slot to blood bag *OTHER PLAYERS ONLY* while prone. 
  • Medics can now impound their own armored vehicles. (They remain unable to impound civ illegal vehicles) 


  • Daily Login Bonus
    • All new Login Bonus's
    • Better rewards earlier on so losing that login bonus doesn't feel so bad
  • House Keys
    • House keys are now a paid upgrade available in the house menu
      • Up to 5 spare keys can be purchased which are used to allow other players access to your house.
      • Change the locks - Upon selling or transferring ownership of a home this upgrade will not persist to the new owner. 
      • Existing keys have been wiped and you will need to purchase this upgrade in order to re-add friends to a home. 
      • (Gang houses remain unchanged) 
  • Other House Upgrades
    • Scotch Barrel $20,000 -> $35,000
    • Lead container $350,000 -> $250,000
  • Oysters
    • Oysters are now legal and farmed from in turtle zones near the trawler wrecks on sea floor.
    • Oysters are now cooked/fried on campfire
  • Bolt Cutting Handcuffs 12s -> 15s
  • Rock Weight 6 -> 3
  • Arson Kit Weight 10 -> 8
  • Legal Money Making
    • Mining: Slightly more uncut diamonds
    • Metal Detecting: Less Yield, significantly less metal plates (More time detecting less time dropping items) 
    • Wreck Excavating: Added more items to loot table.
  • Sell Price Adjustments
    • Spoiler
      • LSD Sheet $1,200 -> $1,150
      • White Lightning $1,150 -> $1,100
      • Reggie Cannabis $350 -> $375
      • House Weed Buds $750 -> $725
      • Blue Meth $2,450 -> $2,425
      • Pine Log $55 -> $50
      • Hardwood Log $135 -> $120
      • Olive Log $82 -> $75
  • Buy Price Adjustments
    • Spoiler
      • Yeast $15 -> $20
      • Wood axe $50 -> $75
      • Skinning Knife $100 -> $150
      • Survival Fatigues $750 -> $1000
      • Medic Deck Crew Vest $250 -> $350
      • Medic Supply Crate $5,000 -> $1,000
      • Ignition Bomb  $230,000 -> $200,000
      • Speed Bomb $250,000 -> $235,000
      • Remote Explosives $230,000 -> $215,000
      • Arson Kit $100,000 -> $75,000
      • Suicide Vest $250,000 -> $235,000
      • RPG Tube $45,000 -> 30,000
      • RPG Ammo $280,000 -> $250,000
  • Vehicle Prices
    • Spoiler
      • Hatchback Sport $4,500 -> $6,500
      • Ifrit $150,000 -> $135,000
      • Qilin $30,000 -> $25,000
      • Prowler $25,000 -> $22,500
      • Tempest Device $130,000 -> $125,000
        Cop Only
      • Strider $36,000 -> $35,000
      • Ifrit $55,000 -> $65,000
      • Hellcat $60,000 -> $50,000
      • Orca $65,000 -> $55,000
      • Mohawk $80,000 -> $60,000
      • Huron $70,000 -> 65,000
      • Ghost Hawk $75,000 -> $70,000
  • Global discount for having 10+mil 5% -> 2%
  • Charges
    • Automatic charges are now filtered out from add charge menu (APD)
    • Arson $15,000 -> $12,500
    • Renamed "Possession of Concentrated Cannabis" to "Possession of Golden Wax"
    • Renamed "Police Checkpoint Gates" to "Manipulation of Police Gates"
    • Renamed "Possession of Marijuana" to "Possession of Reggie Weed/Stems"
  • Narcan Shots renamed back to Adrenaline Shot
    • Seriously why would a Narcan shot help you get up from being shot by a rubber bullet. 
  • Players with the talent "Grease monkey" will have their vehicles spawn with 2 FAK's
    • Having FAK's inside a vehicle will now no longer prevent storing/impounding. 
  • Captains Bonus Prestige
    • Captains now earn less bonus prestige from other officers actions.


  • Equip Loadout getting stuck on 64 Virtual Items (Civ)
  • Loadout save tooltip saying max Virtual items as 80 (is 90)
  • Bounty hunters getting 50% faster lockpicking instead of 30%
  • Bounty hunters randomly getting faster bolt cutting
  • Bug resulting in medics getting 50% bonus to responding instead of 5%
  • Floating Box's at most medical Dispensaries 
  • Athira HQ respawn cooldown distance made slightly more accurate.
  • Ladders on prison 2nd bridge now climbable
  • Turf Capture time is now actually 1min
  • Missing White VR suit for donors
  • Cops will no longer receive Virtual FAK's with spawn loadout if it puts them overweight. 
  • Prestige/Honor tree will now show required points to unlock a perk
  • loot stashes will now randomly spawn at locations instead of being in every location every restart.
  • You can no longer redeem login rewards while in prison.


  • Secondary Sea Turtle area near Pyrgos
  • Removed Wendigo/Goat Man/Invisible man who screams in your ear
  • Cleaned up files


  • Gang Placement Bonus, More money for weaker gangs
    • 1st     $1,200,000 -> $1,000,000
    • 2nd   $600,000 -> $700,000
    • 3rd    $300,000 -> $500,000
    • 4th    $150,000 -> $300,000
    • 5th    $100,000 -> $150,000
    • *New* 6th $100,000
    • *New* 7th+ $50,000
  • Juggernaut event properly gives 200 point bonus for scalping
  • Minimum points needed to get a split of the pot 100 -> 250 (Or be eligible for placement bonus)
  • Players now only have 10 minutes to kill the HVT. (Down from 15min)


  • SRT Weapon Unlocks (Kills) 
    • *New* SPAR-16, 16
    • MX, 25 -> 25
    • MXM, 50 -> 35
    • *New* Type-115, 50
    • MK-14, 100 -> 75
    • Mk-18 EBR, 150 -> 100
    • MK-1, 250 -> 200
    • MXSW, 750 -> 500


-EDIT- April 15/2022

Hotfix/Easter Micro Patch.
Guess were going to test this Jewelry for a weekend because I'm not taking it out and I didn't make a branch xd bad coder. 

  • Easter Event
    • Once per restart for a limited time
    • Dropouts from the Easter Bunny academy for magical rabbits will invade Athira. Scroll wheel on these bunnies to take their illicit loot. 
  • Moved Jewelry Emporium & African Warlord to test location(s). 
  • Jewelry get away vehicle is now a Qilin Minigun 
  • AFD Hunter to Adv EMT
  • 8 Quests (4 Re-added, 4 new)
  • PDW/AK (5.45mm) to UC shop.
  • Rhib can now carry an Oil barrel


  • Turfs not properly calculating cuts
  • Fix a blocked rodo shop
  • Proper AFD Taru
  • Cops being unable to give Grand Theft charge


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1 minute ago, Junker said:

Hello Asylum community!!!! If you have any great ideas for "new" content well do I have the place for you!!! Go ahead and post your amazing ideas in the linked forums topic here:

Damn dude, junke be kneepadding in here too.

Jr4life24, Junke, Richard and 5 others like this
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1 hour ago, Master27411 said:

Not trying to knock the update, but why reset all the quests? 

Due to the fact that the old quest system was badly designed we wanted to redo it.

Doing so resulted in all quest stuff getting removed at first. Then rewriting it from the base up

During this rewrite we deleted all cfgs stored regarding quests. And inserting a new cfg system resulted in different ids. Going in and matching each and everyone of them is labor intensive as there are a lot of quests thus: Resetting everything is basically a better option in that way and also gives a 'fresh start' on everything

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1 hour ago, Master27411 said:

Not trying to knock the update, but why reset all the quests? 

75% of them were broken or just copy and pastes that overlapped each other. Quests are meant to be seasonal anyways and redoing them gets you more money so we have working quests and more money which is a win in my book.

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29 minutes ago, ObiWoki said:

During this rewrite we deleted all cfgs stored regarding quests. And inserting a new cfg system resulted in different ids. Going in and matching each and everyone of them is labor intensive as there are a lot of quests thus: Resetting everything is basically a better option in that way and also gives a 'fresh start' on everything

so in other words, you're just a lazy rat. got it, thanks 

王 rando 王 and D A N E like this
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1 hour ago, Junker said:

Hello Asylum community!!!! If you have any great ideas for "new" content well do I have the place for you!!! Go ahead and post your amazing ideas in the linked forums topic here:

Bro you stack no paper and get no bitties. Get some bitches on ya dick. NSF>>>>Plague

Djmon, Defragments and terrorrr like this
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4 hours ago, Patato said:


  • House Keys
    • House keys are now a paid upgrade available in the house menu
      • Up to 5 spare keys can be purchased which are used to allow other players access to your house.
      • Change the locks - Upon selling or transferring ownership of a home this upgrade will not persist to the new owner. 
      • Existing keys have been wiped and you will need to purchase this upgrade in order to re-add friends to a home. 
      • (Gang houses remain unchanged) 


Kav rats seem to be the only ones malding about this. Regular houses aren't meant to have a whole fucking gang run through them and hide in them.


Fed Ex Wow GIF by NASCAR on NBC

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1 hour ago, ObiWoki said:

Due to the fact that the old quest system was badly designed we wanted to redo it.

Doing so resulted in all quest stuff getting removed at first. Then rewriting it from the base up

During this rewrite we deleted all cfgs stored regarding quests. And inserting a new cfg system resulted in different ids. Going in and matching each and everyone of them is labor intensive as there are a lot of quests thus: Resetting everything is basically a better option in that way and also gives a 'fresh start' on everything

So expect it to not work everyone 

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5 minutes ago, Alshiq Fatarra said:

At the same time dude neither are you


That's rich. @Patato recently has been looking at the logs and has some FANTASTIC numbers for ya to put this to rest. According to Patato's research, the cops lose 75% of ALL federal events. The bank has literally INFLATED the economy since the cops lose so much...


Posted with daddy Patatos permission

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2 minutes ago, skimancole said:

That's rich. @Patato recently has been looking at the logs and has some FANTASTIC numbers for ya to put this to rest. According to Patato's research, the cops lose 75% of ALL federal events. The bank has literally INFLATED the economy. 


Posted with daddy Patatos permission

To be fair its hard to judge a "win" IE selling a single gold bar while your entire gang gets wiped at mental/fed isnt exactly a win. But by the metrics of "Completed the event and got out with an item" I can tell you far more is sold at rebel than what cops seize or stop


Richard likes this
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