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Everything posted by Russell*

  1. Not sure your asking for building for mother board check my question while back.
  2. When you see chat flooding you know school is out.
  3. Tear Gas "Toxic Gas Grenades" https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/216514-toxic-gas-grenades/
  4. You can't pick up any more than five Your Suspect is 17,000m away Your Suspect is in Cartel with eight people around them. Your in Luck Suspect spotted in Theresa
  5. i told him hands up or die due to i didn't like his choice of profanity of music so i threw a nade, then he rdmed me by throwing one back after 10 min. gg
  6. yeah had to go slow for me lol slow poke hahah thanks man props @william
  7. Get permissions for discord @Dull
  8. <08:28:31> Trying to resolve hostname ts3.gaming-asylum.com <08:28:33> Trying to connect to server on ts3.gaming-asylum.com:9216 <08:28:39> Failed to connect to server
  9. I hear Teddy wants to buy a Lottery ticket lol
  10. If you go there its like someone is watching you lol it's got a haunted vibe.
  11. At times some people decide to bring in some helicopters inside the jail i guess if they want to flip there vehicles and die butch of times who cares but if it kills someone else i can see this being a problem.
  12. @Jessethe inside jail post's "where says "Get me out of here" does not work" for some reason for APD.
  13. very old i3 i get like 40 fps in game with it.
  14. Server: 2 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Garage Garage Size(40k/55k/60k): Location (Town/DP#): Abdera Asking Price: Offer Description: Garage Pictures/Video Walk-through:
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