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APD Corporal
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Everything posted by Tyler

  1. Tyler


    Yo Tarro we should meet up at IOP with a case of beer and ward off the Hurricane with an American flag and our AR15s.
  2. Tyler


    No balls pussy.
  3. Beat this unintentional double kill.
  4. I wanted the LIAN-LI tempered glass but they were on BO for like 2 weeks so i settled dope case though really nice with RGB fans
  5. yeah my Mobo won't do a full 5.0ghz boost clock unless i go in and actually manually OC it so 4.0 it is which isn't much more than the stock 3.6 but it gets the job done never had issues with lag or anything so never felt the need to degrade my CPU faster by bumping it up to 5ghz
  6. I know i've posted this before but yeah its dumb as fuck...
  7. My left ear really enjoyed this video.
  8. I mean also the admins can't always tell 100% even if they are there unless they themselves are RDM'ed simply because they don't know if you were called/texted prior or where you've been and who you've initiated on etc. That's why the standard go to is record and report. If you are having an issue with RDM the easiest way to avoid is it so never visit Kavala. I personally haven't been RDM'ed much at all outside of Kavala.
  9. and me (Jk not like me i only bought it to prove Mitch wrong)
  10. *Typical feminist socialist* SEE PRIME EXAMPLE AS TO WHY CAPITALISM IS BAD i propose we take Leroy Jenkins money and split it between all the kavala trolls and tax him at 98% for being a millionaire!
  11. i buy 24-26 mags on cop and rebel and use this all the time. You dont always have the luxury of RTB and refilling mags.
  12. No more crashing your dads porsche? Lmao but fr tho what did they try and get you for like what was the charges for?
  13. Was just talking about how we all used to play WoW back in the day had no clue you were in jail no wonder we haven't seen you around in forever.
  14. HK is really good but if you build an M4 like this one: You shred people it's stupid to have 38/105 on a gun that spits M995.
  15. You not using the Meta recoil M4 drives me up the wall lmao but good shit bro some of those clips are fire as fuck.
  16. I mean like i said i just like to quick peek battle but we're talking about constables and cadets here... lets be honest you ain't organizing shit unless you are SGT+.
  17. I mean to be honest Prsion breaks have gotten to the point to where cops just log out when they see it go off. I personally like going and quick peek fighting deerstands i think it's fun but all the cops are always like "Ugh another one? fuck this im off".
  18. ^ This is actually a good idea. I NEVER run meth or w/e with a bounty simply because it basically increases your chances of getting caught by 5-10 times. But maybe add different bounty thresholds. Example: $0 - $25,000 = 1.0x infamy $25,001 - $75,000 = 1.1x infamy $75,001 - $150,000 = 1.25x infamy $150,001+ = 1.5x infamy Top 10 bounties on the server = 2.0x infamy or maybe an additive so if you have a 160k bounty add a .25 onto the 1.5x to make it 1.75x or if you have a 15k bounty make it a .05 addition to keep people online at 4am with a 15k bounty from getting 2.0x just because there are no high bounties online and they get a default spot in the most wanted list. I definitely feel a system like this would help a lot to make people actually not only run drugs but to do it with a bounty as well and encouraging cops to do old fashioned drug field fights like back in the day and also for rebels to lock them down similar to the Bad Blood meth pass era. You could also add a infamy trade in system where once you have all the rebel infamy talents you can exchange extra infamy for cash etc. @Clint Beastwood @Jesse
  19. LMAOOOO wish i had old vids from Bratva
  20. Nah vs Valk was you'd be at Tower drug looking at an orca 3km out through binos and then next thing you know its on top of the tower with 10 guys dropping on your head.
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