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王 Ari Petrou 王

APD Corporal
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Reputation Activity

  1. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Bag Of Funyuns,   
  2. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Farmer Steve, w hat s g ooooo ooooood n i g ga aaa aa aa aa aa a a a a aaa a a a a a a 🌈 😍 🦄 🏳️‍🌈 🙈   
    whatsgoooooooooood niggaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa🌈😍🦄🏳️‍🌈🙈
  3. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Bag Of Funyuns, Kick that 👨🏿 🐕 off the ✈️   
    Kick that 👨🏿🐕off the ✈️
  4. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Soviet Toaster, like if not manlet   
    like if not manlet
  5. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Daryl Dixon, soviet toaster is the cutest most kawaii gamer girl on asylum. would game with again.   
    soviet toaster is the cutest most kawaii gamer girl on asylum. would game with again.
  6. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Bag Of Funyuns, Are you alive sir   
    Are you alive sir
  7. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Zurph, https://gyazo.com/a391f433f4b973105fa5fff21d342dfe wtf is this lmao.   
    https://gyazo.com/a391f433f4b973105fa5fff21d342dfe wtf is this lmao.
  8. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Kawaii, Bohemia added Black Po7s and I demand they be added to the server   
    Bohemia added Black Po7s and I demand they be added to the server
  9. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Big Gay Jay, @Leady Fam server broke yo   
    @Leady Fam server broke yo
  10. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by -.-, CuTiE   
  11. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Bag Of Funyuns, Congrats on contributor bud   
    Congrats on contributor bud
  12. Niklaus liked a status update by 王 Ari Petrou 王, Can someone confirm if Patato retired because of Jesse’s shit update? On the other ha   
    Can someone confirm if Patato retired because of Jesse’s shit update? On the other hand thank god Kelly and Nick are not admins. Congrats to the others
  13. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Bag Of Funyuns, @antho where are you bud?   
    @antho where are you bud?
  14. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Farmer Steve, Anyone seen @antho lately?   
    Anyone seen @antho lately?
  15. Miller. liked a status update by 王 Ari Petrou 王, This update is shit   
    This update is shit
  16. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Mandalorian 2.0, this guy was permed   
    this guy was permed
  17. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by bunni, I voted all republican suck it gays   
    I voted all republican suck it gays
  18. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Roice, Someone ban this retard before he gains weight playing Arma again   
    Someone ban this retard before he gains weight playing Arma again 
  19. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Calle., Change name retard   
    Change name retard
  20. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Sail, Good morning. Strange dream last night, Ethan Darrell was an Admin. Spooky shit.   
    Good morning. Strange dream last night, Ethan Darrell was an Admin. Spooky shit. 
  21. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by ron the player, Bag Of Funyuns for support!   
    Bag Of Funyuns for support! 
  22. 王 Prodigy 王 liked a status update by 王 Ari Petrou 王, Free @OG Montana Kavala hasn't been the same since!   
    Free @OG Montana Kavala hasn't been the same since!
  23. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Sail, a kid knocked on my door today and i ignored him.   
    a kid knocked on my door today and i ignored him. 
  24. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by chrome., everyone dies to hacker , except me and admins... hmm https://gyazo.com/98a083762193b   
    everyone dies to hacker , except me and admins... hmm
  25. 王 Ari Petrou 王 liked a status update by Nenja, free montana   
    free montana
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