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APD Officer
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  1. Beef... liked a post in a topic by KrazyKnight in Did somone buff cocaine or something?   
    You're a game breaking exploit. 
  2. Beef... liked a post in a topic by W00bzy in An average day in kavala for cops   
    shut. the. fuck up.
  3. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Goku in Goodbye everyone!   
    After all the years I've played on Asylum I think it's finally time to stop playing.. Everyone says "you'll be back" but I won't. I'll play here a few times till January 4th. But once January 4th hits, I won't be playing at all. With that being said, the reason why I'm going to stop playing is nt because Asylum isn't enjoyable anymore, but because real life is hitting once again and I will be deploying in July. January 4th is when we start out Pre-Deployment training so things will be getting extremely busy. So to all the friends I have met here, I'll keep in touch, from all the people I've played with thanks for the fun times!
    I'll be semi-active until the January 4th. Merry Christmas and Happy holidays everyone!
  4. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Guest in Happy Holidays Everyone!   
    Just wanted to say Happy Holidays to everyone, no matter where you are in the world! Safe travels and enjoy some time with your family!

  5. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Leady in *** APD Guidebook Updated ***   
    The guidebook has been overhauled. While it still has the same look and feel it should be easier to navigate and understand.
    - Removed Redundancies.
    - Simplified wording of many guidelines
    - Section F and Cpl + have been moved to their own documents
    - See earlier posted Policy Update for changes around IAD's
    Actual Policy Changes
    - You may now charge those who are assisting in a kidnapping.
    - Battle Buddies - Completely removed. You may now enter illegal areas solo at your own risk
    - Changed recommended to required to have 3 officers to man check points
    - Raised Parole cap from 28,000 to 100,000
    - Removed Solo Pilot restriction. You may now land at any time. Note you still need ground forces to enter illegal areas while in a helicopter.
    - Removed restriction from negotiating at rebel, cartels are still a no go.
    - Removed requirement to announce yourself before throwing a flash bang
    - Removed requirement to have lights on when speeding
    - Clarified Searching/Seizing while in combat, You may search/seize contraband from a player or vehicle at any time or place even if in combat.
    - Clarified Vehicle seizing, Vehicles still require all clear to be given before impounding or seizing unless inside of a HQ
    - Clarified Abandoned Vehicle Searching/Impounding, If a vehicle is abandoned and the driver is wanted for more than $500 or is parked in an illegal area you may search otherwise impound.
    - Under Ticketing Removed Murder of APD personnel - 100% ticket (Is covered under Aggressive), Removed if HQ is attacked must be given 100% ticket.
    - Higher up request removed "Attempt to" Now reads,  You are required to contact any officer currently on the server who has a higher rank than you, even if you think the suspect's reasons for a higher up are not legitimate.
    - Dealing with medics clarified
    - Changed reckless driving, no longer requires a verbal warning to issue a ticket.
    - Changed ticket guide for dirty money, removed "down to" now states round to the nearest 5K
    These changes were made to allow for more freedom for officers to play and RP the way they like. We felt the guidebook had become too bloated for its own good. This will also align the guidebook for a planned future implementation of version 3.0.
    - The Captains
  6. Beef... liked a post in a topic by USCCHRIS in Guard duty message on Cop   
    In my opinion, the guard duty message that you receive for prison breaks should be changed. Currently it pops up in the middle of your screen and stops you from doing anything other than accept or deny and it has gotten me killed in multiple gun fights.
    It should be changed to a message in the middle of your screen saying to hit whatever button to accept guard duty, that way it doesn't interfere with whatever you're doing. 
  7. Beef... liked a post in a topic by bamf in Change log 7.9.1   
    Also, we just pushed the update to allow non Apex owners to join Altis.  Man I really dislike that restriction.  
    For those wondering, it was a pile of wood being used as decoration...
  8. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Olivia in Cop Penalisation   
    There used to be no internal affairs disciplinary action we could use against "fail RP" or "robocopping."  So no, the problem isn't completely fixed however I think we're better off now than we used to be because LT's have a course of action we can take if an officer has exceptionally poor RP or completely fails at it.  It doesn't really raise the bar for everyone's everyday, run-of-the-mill RP however hopefully we'll see less of the extremely bad instances of it.
    I agree with @The Monopoly Man that encouraging something is better than punishing for a lack of it, but at least we have the tools and abilities to punish the cops that are playing the role for the wrong reason.  And yes, the light RP requirements are part of what makes Asylum so appealing.
    @House. anyone who does not at least try to get you a higher up when you ask for one can and will be punished.  Please report any individuals that you see doing this.  We can't do anything about bad cops unless we see the evidence and they rarely do it when the higher ups are online.  Even if no action comes of it, when promotion time comes around we can see how they act when we're not around.
  9. Beef... liked a post in a topic by The Monopoly Man in Cop Penalisation   
    Due to asylum and its minimal roleplay, if RP standards were increased, it would have to be increased for all of Asylum, not just the APD. This would drive off many players as quite alot are here for the "run and gun" feel of asylum. Now as we know this isn't happening any time soon, we can think of ways to increase cop RP. I have always believed that rewarding for good RP is much more effective than punishing for the bad. 
    As legit said, the point system is a neat idea, it would encourage more roleplay throughout the APD.
    However, it still won't fix the cops with bad roleplay inside of the APD.
    This will never change unless the Application requirements to join the APD are heavily increased.
  10. Beef... liked a post in a topic by HotWings in Cop Penalisation   
    I always tried to reduce the ticket based on time RPing, regardless of if it was good or not to be honest (ie you talk to me for 10 minutes and your jail time would be 15 Ill reduce to a 2-3k ticket).  As long as you're putting in effort you should be rewarded.  If all i got was its self defense then I would give a minimal discount for the minimal amount of time spent telling a story. If you went into a big story talking about what happen, how things went down, why you killed them and so on I would def give a bigger discount.  I prefer to keep people playing as opposed to going to jail.  That said, if you're in a huge fight with a group, the odds of a huge discount go down based on the circumstances of the situation.  It takes alot more effort to get out of stuff like that, but its certainly not impossible. 
    I certainly understand the frustrations as some cops are honestly assholes and just want to make sure they get all the money they can.  Ive run into them myself, its really shitty.  
  11. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Legit in Cop Penalisation   
    I'm not suggesting strict RP rules forcing people to dive into a character. As it currently is, the more a civilian RP's the lower their ticket is expected;however the cop also has to RP back. 
    Cops refusing to RP would parole/full ticket anyway, I see no problem in just always rewarding cops with the players bounty regardless of pardon/reduction. This could lead to officers being too "nice" to civilians. To counter this there could be a system that provides 'points' similar to prestige that could be used to buy vehicles or cashed out to money. These points would be earned based on how much money you make the government. (Higher Tickets/Prison) I know it's a bit silly but its all I could come up with. I believe there can be a middle ground where everybody wins. 
    I'm not trying to transform Asylum into a Hardcore RP server, I just don't see the point in punishing civs while rewarding bad cops and penalizing good ones. 
  12. Beef... liked a post in a topic by HotWings in Cop payouts   
    1) If officers were to receive their gear free, the need for money is not there, the only items that an officer would need to purchase would be medical when they need it, and higher end armor when they want it.  Adding the ability to buy them with excess prestige (there are officers with tons of excess prestige) and lower there cost would balance out having to pay for them.
    2) Paying cops only in the area of the arrest would increase the pay of those actually in the area and prevent people from mooching off of other officers work.  Thus adding additional pay to their checks...  Currently I can drive around aimlessly doing nothing useful and still get paid when 3 officers take down a meth ring.
    Both suggestions actually buff cop game play for those actually playing cop for the right reasons.  While also help prevent abuse of cop as a farming source for money.  The only downsides I can see are 1) not being able to sell excess money and 2) not being able to fund my rebel life.
  13. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Mahdizzle in Cop payouts   
    I would love to see a change to the APD were it's alot harder to become a cop, 1 week of cadet? bruh, sure there are ppl that fail but then again they have the option to try again wich is fine but it's the exakt same thing again. Unfortunately I do not have an ide for this yet but think about it, if the APD becomes harder to join then more deserving ppl would join (you'll never get rid off the black sheep) deserving ppl has a reason to join and I really don't think that reason is money but hey i could be wrong aswell. 
  14. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Destrah in Cop payouts   
    I honestly think one of the best ways to stop people playing cop for just money is to remove payouts from paying tickets, arresting, and parole. Make it an increased paycheck that also increases when you rank up. Then make all gear (guns, clothes, equipment) free, but not vehicles.
    People aren't playing cop for just money anymore and more likely to increase communication (RP) during processing Getting paid no matter what. Even if its a slow day and not much crime going on Payment amount will be more equivalent to the actual cost of using equipment at a given rank. People would be more inclined to give appropriate punishment (ticket, parole, pardon) during a longer processing. Now they get paid no matter what during a lengthy processing. Cons:
    I guess it could be argued having free gear would make zerg rushing worse, but I would disagree. One of the main reasons people go back is so they have a chance to kill/capture someone to make their money back. However, if their gear is free they would be less inclined to go back and just call it a day when necessary. Not going to make as much as before most likely I'm sure there are other pros and cons, but I only put about 5-10 minutes of thought into this.
  15. Beef... liked a post in a topic by HotWings in Cop payouts   
    Cop is currently being used as a method to make quick cash, that's not its intended purpose. Ive got a couple ideas here to try and curb that
    1) Reduce payout of bounties to 20% max (what the current lethal payout is, reducing lethal payout to 10%) and allow officer to receive gear at no cost (would remove regear feature and force officers to manually regear all items at the vendor at no cost or have only a p07).  Since money will not be needed to buy gear, the payout would need to be minimal.  Officers would still need to purchase exotic vehicles Orca+ and hunters/striders.  Prices could be adjusted on those as needed.  In addition Corp+ could use excess prestige points to buy those vehicles.
    2) Leave payouts as is, but reduce payout area so only officers in the immediate area get paid for the bust (ie 500 meters) that should allow any pilot who helped to receive payment for their services and discourage officers from just driving around doing nothing and getting paid.
    Parole change
    Change it so parole does not pay the bounty upon issuance. If one violates their entire bounty is given back with the additional charge of parole violation.  If the person completes parole without violating the officers would then be paid the amount of the parole that was issued.  (I understanding coding could be an issue here)
    Any ideas/adjustments are appreciated.  
  16. Beef... liked a post in a topic by HotWings in Cop payouts   
    There are two options, one reduces the pay everyone receives and gives free gear (why do you need tons of money if gear is free?), and one only pays those in the area of the arrest which is more fair to those who are doing the work for the arrest.  Cop should not be a cash cow for people who want to play rebel and not have to make money civy side. 
  17. Beef... liked a post in a topic by .Sean in Cop Penalisation   
    P2 is the worst IMO, literally should of filed at least 9 IA reports because I got robocopped WHEN I TURNED MYSELF IN by a cadet because I told him he's an idiot for instantly denying my request for a higher up without asking. I called him an idiot refused to read the rest of my charges and gave me 700k ticket. Peace Love P2, full of retards who don't know the guidebook
  18. Beef... liked a post in a topic by PantryPicker in [\V/] Deviance Recruitment | Server 1 | Open | 1000+Hours Required   
    Just to let everyone know we have opened recruitment back up for the time being, so if you are interested feel free to apply.
    See you in the servers!
  19. Beef... liked a post in a topic by bamf in Let's talk about the BE kicks   
    There has been much discussion around the fact that there isn't a dedicated post to this topic, so I thought I would go ahead and start one to let the community know what is going on - as well as to begin a dialog on the subject.  
    First and foremost let me say this:  no number of BE "mass kicks" is acceptable to @Paratus or myself.  We consider one in a day to be too many.  Also, I define something to a be a "mass kick" when 20 or more players are kicked from a single server in a 30 second interval with the dreaded "client not responding" message.  With that out of the way, let me give you a little background on the number and scope of the kicks (as I'll call them from here on).  
    Here are the number of kicks we have had since 12/9/16 (with the count per server 1-4 in parenthesis to the side):  
    9th:  9 (5, 2, 2, 0)
    10th: 10 (3, 2, 1, 4)
    11th: 11 (4, 1, 2, 4)
    12th: 1 (S4)
    13th: 1 (S1)
    14th: 1 (S1)
    The 9th-11th are the weekend, and I think we can all agree that the weekends are where we see more kicks.  I have a theory as to why that is the case, and I'll get to that in a minute, but let's take a look at the numbers.  I hear all the time that the mass kicks happen constantly, and while they are certainly prevalent on the weekends I do tend to think that the perception on the number of kicks greatly outweights the reality.  Now three weeks ago I would agree with you that there were more occurences of the kicks since I can look at just S4 and see that there were 16 kicks in a single Saturday for just that one server.  We have made incremental improvements though, so let's talk about what we have done and what we are continuing to do.  
    First of all, we implemented kicks based on network activity.  One thing that we have noticed is that a single lagging player has the ability to affect network connectivity to all players in the game.  The kicks we implemented based on ping have been very helpful in ensuring that player is removed from the server faster - thus allowing network connectivity to continue for the rest of the players on the server.  There are additional network kicks that we can put in place (desync and packet loss for instance), but at this time we are only logging those items so that we can try to find a good balance before implementing new kicks based on those items.  
    Second, we have been more aggressively monitoring the memory utilization of the Arma server process.  There is a disconnect in what the in game #monitor command reports as utilized memory and what the OS sees as utilized by Arma.  I've seen this discrepency at times be more than 30%, which can tend to point to a memory leak somewhere in the server executable.  That's not something we can fix, but we can try to minimize the leaks by using various memory allocators (mallocs).  We changed the malloc on S1 on Monday, but we are still seeing memory that does not appear to be released to the OS.  Perhaps that's how Arma is coded (to hold onto the memory that it allocates as it goes), but once you pass ~3GB the game gets desynced for everyone and the BE kicks start to happen.  
    Third, we are looking at how we access the database from inside the game.  Those of you familiar with how the backend for a Life server works will likely have heard of extDB before.  That's the layer that sits between Arma and the database.  Typically this role is filled by an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) driver, and I guess you could call extDB (a makeshift) one for Arma.  Since Arma does not work directly with the ODBC driver provided by the database software manufacturer, you are then left with extDB (or Arma2Net) to connect to the database and keep all your houses, vehicles, items, player data, etc all in order.  This layer also has a malloc that uses memory inside the Arma application.  There is a chance that the memory we are seeing as not used inside the game, but used according to the OS could be leaked from the malloc for extDB.  We are investigating this, as well as looking to update extDB to more recent version.  We have a customized version of extDB, so we will need to redo those customizations as we upgrade that as well.  
    Finally, we continue to analyze the logs we have to see what correlations we can find inside them.  Here is a summary of those findings:  
    The kicks are more frequent when the servers are full, but the servers being full does not indicate that a kick is about to (or even likely) to happen.   The kicks tend to happen more when the OS sees ~3GB of RAM being used by the Arma server application.  Some of this is anecdotal since I need to be made aware of the kick and then check the RAM utilization inside of the OS.  I will say this though, this last weekend I checked the RAM on the server processes when I could, and once it got high I asked the admins to hard restart the server.  I think that did make a difference in the overall number of kicks for the weekend, but that's not a tenable solution to go forward.   The kicks tend to happen more on the weekend, which is when the servers are not only full - but also have higher turnover resulting in more unique users (UUs as @Gnashes likes to say) on the servers throughout those days.  As more players come and go to the server, more RAM is utilized by the game.  The servers are full during prime time on weeknights, but we just don't see the same number of kicks during the week.  We do have have fewer UUs during the week as well.   Given all of that, I believe the Arma server process starts to lag once the RAM utilization gets above some unknown threshold.  The game and OS allocate memory as players come and go, as well as during the normal course of a server session.  As the server begins to lag, the network communication begins to lag as well - and at some point we get players receiving "client not responding" kicks.  
    Some of you may have seen that 64-bit versions of the game hit the development branch of Arma today.  I am hopeful that a 64-bit server version will alleviate the issues of RAM constraints and allow the server to not lag (and therefor not kick players).  Of course, all of this is still in development and could be subject to other bugs and issues.  Further, we will have to make sure that all the external DLLs we use with the Arma server are updated to 64-bit and free of bugs as well, but having a 64-bit server will finally allow us to utilize more of the horsepower we have on each and every server that we have in the data center.  
    I'll talk to Paratus in the morning, but perhaps we can be a tad more aggressive with the hard restarts we do.  Currently we do a hard restart after 3 server sessions, but perhaps we should move that to after 2 server sessions.  We will also continue to monitor the logs, RAM utilization, and player counts to see if we can try to really narrow down when we get into situations where the kicks begin to happen.  
    I hope this was informative for you all, and I'm happy to hear your feedback and suggestions.  
    P.S.  I'm going to ask that everyone stay on topic and not turn this into a flaming or finger pointing thread.  Posts that are off topic or just generally unhelpful will be heavily moderated so that we can keep this as an open discussion with the community.  
    Edit:  One final thing of note is that this does happen in other communities as well, so it is not isolated to just Asylum.  
  20. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Boris in Topic closed.   
    Welcome to a Boris' Premium Property thread.
    Terms of service and contact details are immediately below.
    Scroll down for the property listing, hope you find something you like!
    Terms of service
    1) I reserve the right to refuse, cancel, back out of or otherwise stop the sale at any point in time. If payment has already been given, it will be refunded.
    2) Absolutely no refunds unless I personally deem myself to be at fault.
    3) For houses exceeding 999k in value, you are required to cover the extra payment FIRST, before the house is even listed. (If I sell you a house for 2.5 million, it's not getting listed until you pay me 1.5 million first, and then it'll be listed for 999k)
    4) The moment I list the house, I consider the transaction complete. I am NOT at fault if someone buys the house before you. (If we agree a price in the morning, I will list it and tell you, if you don't login till the afternoon, and find it gone, that's not my fault.)
    5) All houses are sold AS IS. Anything inside the house does NOT affect the price, including crates, barrels, gear and Y inventory inside them. When you buy my houses, assume anything inside will disappear, and if it doesn't, consider it a free bonus.
    6) I do not accept trades or anything out of game. Asylum dollars only. We will agree on a price together. I ask that you give me a price first, rather than asking how much I want.
    7) I will only ever take money through the housing market option, if you wire transfer me money, i'm keeping it because you didn't listen. (The obvious exception to this being when you are paying for a house over the list price limit)
    Contacting me
    Forum PM: Checked daily, likely to be the quickest way to contact me if i'm not online on steam.
    Steam: Click here for my steam! (Instant responses if i'm online)
    Through other people: You can more than likely just ask someone to message me if you don't have me added already, I have a big friends list.
    Property listing
    Thank you for visiting, look out for more property sale threads, coming shortly!
  21. Beef... liked a post in a topic by explicit in State of Asylum V 2.0 : Client Not Responding   
    Link to previous thread made in July : The State of Asylum V 2.0 : Client Not Responding
    A Quick Introduction
    This thread is going to follow in the format of the first one that I posted in July. Some of the ideas in the thread previous will end up being brought back to attention here because they still pose an issue. It is very evident that these servers and community need change if we are going to progress into the future. As stated in the previous thread ; history continues to repeat itself and that repetition is not always positive.
    What's Wrong?
    A lot of things are wrong, one big issue notably being BattlEye kicks and incessant lag spikes. While this thread is going to be centered more towards the resolution of these kicks and lag spikes, other issues such as community interaction with developers will be brought up once again. Issues will be organized in the bullet points below.
    • BattlEye Kicks and Lag Spikes
    For the past seven to eight months has the community been plagued with lag and kicks that seem to never end. In these seven to eight months, the lag // kicks have proven to be very demoralizing to a majority of the community, making some members quit. A plethora of people have lost a lot of stuff due to the kicks and lag and there seems to be no solution in sight. The developers and admins initially thought the problems were due to DDOS attacks on the servers but were later proven to be wrong. This lead to a few members of the community - in my opinion - being banned for things that they might not have done. As of recent, it has come to my attention that there really is not any foreseeable resolution of these kicks and lag spikes because the developers often talk none of it. People like myself bring this issue up all the time on the forums to see nothing being said about it by the developers. It is a real kick in the ass - some community members such as myself are left wondering when and if the issues will be addressed.
    • The Community and Development Team
    As stated in the previous thread and in the bullet point above, community interaction with the development team is really lacking and has been for quite some time. I can not deny the fact that is has certainly improved within the five months between writing both of these threads, but it obviously still has some flaws. As stated above, "some community members such as myself are left wondering when and if the issues [BattlEye kicks, lag spikes] will be addressed." We, being the community, should not be left to wonder if issues this problematic and detrimental to the servers are being worked on. The developers should make more of an effort to connect with the community to discuss these issues. Whether it be a thread dedicated to the purpose of that or an extra little paragraph in the patch notes, it would undoubtedly prove to be very useful in the long run. A strong community is one that is able to effectively communicate with their leaders.
    A shorter thread this time, but I thought these issues needed to be addressed. Please remember to keep the discussion civil and to not flame ; don't get this shit locked. I spent some time writing it. also the font looks like shit because this was copied and pasted from pastebin because modqueue is a bitch
  22. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Treeherder in CQC Training Mission 2.0   
    This is an updated version of my original CQC training mission and is designed to help everyone improve their CQC Skills. It includes three unique fast paced arenas with round-based randomly spawning AI, Blood Bagging, a new custom respawn system, persistent record keeping, fully customizable Ai load outs, jumping, and asylum weapon sway coefficients. It's available on the steam workshop here. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=646755159 Once downloaded it will be playable through the scenarios tab of the main menu.
    Here's a video to explain it better
  23. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Midamaru in Asylum in a nutshell   
  24. Beef... liked a post in a topic by Padrinos in Coffee and Donuts Thread   
    Officers Name:Cpl. @Ray. and Ofc.@Matthew
    Reason for Appraisal: I was RPing as Pablo de los Juevos and was struck by an passing vehicle near DP11. After the vehicle fled the scene, I sent a 911 message about the incident. Moments later Cpl Ray and Ofc MattyV responded and engaged in some very fun RP. We did some extra curricular activities and told some funny stories while staying in character the whole time. Afterwards they gave me a ride back to go kart and dropped me off.  Over all it was a very fun RP experience that shed positive light on the APD and vision this server has. These officers spent the time to RP with a civ that wasn't going to bring them any monetary value, which shows their true desire and dedication to the role of an APD officer in an RP  situation. The best part was I was streaming this positive experience to viewers both within and outside of our community. Good work guys and thank you.
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