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Ethan Darrell

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Everything posted by Ethan Darrell

  1. LAME.... no more 20k prestige
  2. Server: 1 House, Garage, Industrial Shed: Industrial Shed Size (220k) Location (Town/DP#): Edessa Asking Price: Offer me Description: Close Shed to donor rebel can pull cars and be there in no time Pictures/Video Walk-through:
  3. You are a beautiful man. Thanks for coming to my Ted Talk 

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fried Rice

      Fried Rice

      Ya don’t need knee pads when you’re not brain dead, however I’ll send you some links later for industrial pads I heard Romney uses.

    3. •ÐŠ• Randy

      •ÐŠ• Randy

      @Chow Mein youre the most braindead higherup there is

  4. People have to be prone to change if you ask me but I think this a great opportunity to see where the new bank meta will go while also promoting a pretty positive change on how cops and rebels fight with the changes and allows both sides to think of new ideas and strategies by cops finding a new way to push bank and for rebels a new way to take out cops and secure the money. Great work @Jbdragon
  5. Apples!!!!!! what about the 4000 apples in my shed @Slade Wilson put in there i want him banned @Leady all the work to get them out !!!
  6. Congrats @Sky and @Master27411
  7. Good luck Jesse best of luck in Everything you do.
  8. IGN: Nick Crompton IQ KFC Age: 15.5 Why do you want to join this gang? cause when DS Kills me i dont like looking at the respawn screen because i am a complete shitter an because my mom and dad hate me Former gangs: R {butt pirate gang} Body Count(IRL): my mom an dad because i love insect Money: who needs money when i can kiss the homies goodnight
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