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Mandalorian 2.0

AFD Advanced EMT
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Everything posted by Mandalorian 2.0

  1. i want it but i woundnt have unlocked it sadly
  2. No not wongs it wound not work in loreit Wongs FOOD AND LIQUOR, Not Wongs FOOD AND LIQUOR and watches
  3. Other then the entity suit could there be a suit to add that if the user is wearing increases processing speed
  4. They have said no so many times but i say yes for this case, but overall the suit should be illegal not just when doing uranium
  5. also think about this there can only be 3 UC's on the server at a time as well so giving them access, to the things tach listed dosent seem like and issue to me.
  6. mAKE PUBLIC ESM slots that are just qoute emr ranked
  7. or to prevent guns being dumped make to so you cant mail pysichal items
  8. Let us store the african warlord items we craft.
  9. Expanding on what willima said It take probaly quite a bit of mission for for something used for the first money then never being touched again other then a few times a month by new people and then the arma 3 ai problem IT is as @william said aimbotters to easY AF But this is a really cool idea
  10. what if everoney else in your gang is inactive what about then
  11. or make it so a civ has to pick up a gold bar in the first few minutes of the fed
  12. i like this idea tbh as the medical airdrop didnt work the time i tryed it
  13. [WTS] Paros 3c House Map View: Its is, 430m from Heroin Field, 450m from Jewelry Emporium, 1.4km from The Black Market, 2.1km from High Yield Quarry, and 2.9km from Meth Lab, Offers Below or on discord
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