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Reformed epTic

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Everything posted by Reformed epTic

  1. Weird how Alec is banned and the higher ups still look like retards.
  2. and that right there is the problem. Trying to eliminate threats? "QUIT PLAYING CHRIS KYLE AND RUSH THE FUCKING BANK OR YOULL GET POINTS" Trying to rush the bank? "FUCKING VALUE YOUR LIFE OR GET POINTS" I remember a certain dipshit sergeant who refused to pull an Orca out for a prison despite there being 3 orcas full of rebels on prison island. Alright, I'll get some cover and take some of the deer stands out. "GET IN MY FUCKING HUMMINGBIRD OR YOU'RE GETTING POINTS FOR DISOBEYING ORDERS" So I put my gun in a car, loaded up in his chopper, and his dumb ass got domed outta the hummingbird and proceeded to blame everyone else for not taking out the threats in the deer stands.
  3. 1. Sure, if the Captains are willing to change their assbackwards policy on FORCING the APD to fight banks/feds/prisons for 10 minutes AT LEAST against rebels with ahk peek macros and pull down scripts. 2. Added to prevent sharking 3. Why?
  4. only a small portion of that is an Asylum issue. Arma 3 as a whole is in it's death throes. too bad that won't happen with the current staff. people thought it'd be a good idea to turn the APD into a gang with required fighting, last I checked the primary weapon was the voice. Oh, okay, you wanna RP with people doing a bank? You can't because Lieutenant Cumguzzler, Sergeant Cock Swallower, Senior Constable Cum Rag, and 4 Constables following behind to lick up any cum that might have dripped off during the proverbial (and literal, in some cases) blowbang show up on the scene to try and suicide rush everything while yelling at you for trying to roleplay. "FOLLOWZ MY VIRTUAL RANK IN DE VIDEO GAME OR YOU WILL GET POINTS!!!"
  5. surprised it took that long for gravity to get banned. he was hella blatant whenever he was running with that random shit tier gang pretending to be a mexican
  6. -Reduce cop payout for sending to jail by 50% Maybe if cops weren't REQUIRED to fight banks/feds/prisons like they were fucking cartels. 10 minute MINIMUM required fighting is fucking cancerous, the APD isn't supposed to be a gang.
  7. Literally played in like, March or April lmao
  8. Jail time should be reduced regardless, or at least add in something that decreases the time by a significant amount. Let prisoners go to Kavala and pick up trash or volunteer in the sandwich kiosks as "community service". It would reward people who actually want to still interact with the game rather than just alt-tabbing. It would add some fun and interesting RP as well imo.
  9. where do you live? schools been out for a month here lol
  10. 9/10 of those cops are higher ups rolling around with their cliques on their knees trying to get promoted. playing cop simply isn't fun with the new shitty policies essentially turning the APD into a fucking gang with the REQUIRED MINIMUM of fighting @ feds/banks. Cartel fights rarely last 10 minutes, but the APD is REQUIRED to fight for at least 10 minutes. Back in my day (holy fuck I sound like Durga), if there was a large group of cops rolling around together they'd be told to split up or get the fuck off of cop. Now everyone just loads into an Orca with warrant squad and goes around hunting down 5k bounties with an Orca full of cops while all the corporals and constables get bukkaked in the back hoping for a promotion. Some of the best times I've ever had playing cop involved sitting the apple/peach field and talking to people, another great time is when Bob, Ronald, and I used road barriers to build a fucking massive wall across the top right of the map. It went coast to coast running through salt flats. Durga was laughing his ass off about that lmao
  11. as if thats even a question everyone thats ever talked to me could tell u that i'm a self loathing piece of shit
  12. i mean ur right. i don't play a dead game i've got better shit to do with my life if i wanted to play a dead game i'd go play vanilla wow
  13. yikes my dudes. yikes. it's summer, kids are out of school and neither server is half full.
  14. I've got standards. I like my women thicc. I don't like hambeasts that have other hambeasts pulled into orbit around them.
  15. never forget the time i got banned by nighteyes for making fun of an e-whore and i had to wait 2 months while he weebed around Japan only for him to say "its up to the e-whore"
  16. looks meh but danny brown is a god so fuck it
  17. You could but there's noway you'll be able to hit it consistently within literal milliseconds of your head being visible. From what I remember it's something within 150-200ms from the time that you first hit x to when you're able to shoot, it's even more broken when you consider the desync issues
  18. I'll reinstall the game if you remove the downing script and give everyone full lethals
  19. You think that people don't have quick peek macros? I've used them myself and they're honestly insane because the other play can only see your head for something like .200ms
  20. And rebels don't fight banks like they used to. It's all AHK pulldowns these days with even more elevated positions to lay on and just go for those sick bounties instead of actually going for the gold. ItInsert other media 's pretty sad when kids don't even attempt to hide their AHK scripts in their montages because scripting is such a common issue on Asylum. Why should a cop push a bank when there's 4-5 positions that rebels are just laying prone on with 3rd person waiting to use their little quick peek macros and AHK pulldowns? Only SGTs+ have armour, and 95% of the SGTS/LTs are literal fucking retards who are too busy whiteknighting e-girls and flaunting their virtual ranks to pull armour for the bank. Banks/Feds/Prisons are already cancerous due to the horribly misguided decisions of the captains, let's make it even worse so the limited number of cops that still play just quit and join a bounty hunter gang.
  21. u should filter out numbers lower than 10 so ppl won't know how dead asylum truly is
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