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About Mitch

APD 2nd Lieutenant

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  1. Mitch

    Dye Packs

    We currently don't see the need to adjust this. But are open to looking more into it if this shows to be a problem in the future - Mitch
  2. Seems like a decent compromise money/time wise. Approved - Mitch
  3. Mitch

    Bounty hunter

    We will not be adding Sirens for Bounty Hunters. This will cause too much confusion between cops/BH and we want there to be a clear difference. Let alone how confusing Initation will become. -Mitch
  4. Mitch

    Changelog July

  5. Approved Imma be honest with you guys I have no fucking clue what thats there for, It's reduced to 60 seconds now if that is still giving issues we can look into it further. - Mitch
  6. Mitch


    Denied, You can see the license while searched them and are expected to ignore their items if you don't have probable cause see: https://wiki.gaming-asylum.com/wiki/Processing Searching Adding another scroll wheel option to the already overpopulated scroll menu is not something we currently want to do. -Mitch
  7. Mitch

    APB Captured Event

    Currently not considering this for multiple reasons - APB target will have to sit there for atleast 10 extra minutes - would have to give out a large amount of money to entice cops to actually sit there for 10 minutes with the APB with all the risks that come with that instead of processing + sending them to jail
  8. We are currently not considering selling Domination horns separately - Mitch
  9. Appoved, We will be looking in to a prestige system for medics and seeing what other ideas we can implement - Mitch
  10. We will be looking in to the doors for Qilin's, currently no changes will be made to house capacity
  11. Mitch

    NVG Suggestion

    What Trioxide said, the fullscreen NVG is a magical special variant that the devs only decided to add in tan
  12. Hotfix #2 Snow ❄ Retribution Case (store listing coming soon) Keyboard Warrior Ifrit Retro Ifrit Toxic Csats Worship Csats Molecule Orca New Asylum Plus skins Backpack Csats Changed the Menace achievements title text Christmas tree fixes missing texture on the boxes grenades not being given properly Fixed client side doors on the new cartels Santa event Blackfish fixes Locked the vehicle (-_-) Made the crew invulnerable Crate no longer moves when pushed
  13. Mitch


    We currently use basically all of the available clothing items with only a few exceptions(Bergen backpacks being one of them) if there is any specific clothing items you would like to see added that are currently missing please be a bit more specific. -Mitch
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