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Everything posted by Steve

  1. Server pop doesn't seem to have an issue staying up in the prime time hours, a second server could prove problematic during the off hours. The population often dips below 40.
  2. It's bad for business squire.
  3. I'm curious, are you venturing out of kavala bag?
  4. Steve

    Cop cap

    What about no cap beyond 65ish players on the server and a cap of 8 for anything below that
  5. I haven't been putting in the necessary effort to make my gang as active or as big as it could be. That's on me and me alone, not the game design. Edit: there is no group cap any more to stop you from having an army of players if you tried hard enough.
  6. Steve

    Cop cap

    Was long before that eazy wym
  7. The federal reserve. To make the cartel worth it you gotta hold it. So what I mean by that is, if your gang holds drug for 3-4 hours a gang might finally contest it when you are doing x/y/z with your gang. In that time frame you could make it worth holding. Additionally, the reason gangs made so much off the cartels back in the day is for two reasons, number 1 they held them for at least 8 hours of the day. The second reason is that there were gangs that would encourage people to run meth under their protection, and effectively gave them the ultimatum that if they didn't run meth when they had the cartel they weren't gonna run meth at all.
  8. Steve

    Cop cap

    I'll admit you are quite good at debating. I still think your reasoning is flawed for the simple reason that you haven't had the chance to experience the side of my argument.
  9. Steve

    Cop cap

    I preferred having more cops to shoot at long before I was an Admin.
  10. Steve

    Cop cap

    I've successfully done a handful of banks against 20+ cops with ease while only having 2 other people with me. I realize this might be harder now with the stair case added but it is still doable. Edit: so it should be doable with 10. Recruit more, and improve.
  11. Steve

    Cop cap

    If you have ever done a 3 man bank against 20+ cops and got out of there, you would have a different opinion.
  12. Steve

    Cop cap

    I'm not saying there no rules. Gangs are typically ran differently then the APD. Here's an example, the most successful gangs I've been in will typically allow basic members to have a valuable input on whether or not they like someone and whether or not they should be in the gang. For this reason, those basic members have the ability to chose their team mates. In the APD that is not how it works. If they aren't breaking rules, they can't really get removed.
  13. Steve

    Cop cap

    If a Sgt dislikes someone he can't just remove him. There has to be a rule broken. Not being a shit shot isn't a rule for police. I only edited grammatical errors and things I mistyped. I think I got my point across.
  14. Steve

    Cop cap

    I'm not gonna deny that the APD could really use some combat lessons, because they desperately need it. However the APD is a faction, a constable can't chose his team mates, a gang can.
  15. Steve

    Cop cap

    There's like 50 kids in kavala who don't know what foot to put forward first. If you put some real effort into teaching them it might pay off.
  16. Steve

    Cop cap

    I want more cops to shoot at. If you vote no it's because your gang is too small or you are playing with people who can't have your back.(or both)
  17. What I mean is metal was originally a demonstration of musical complexity and devotion to the music. Almost all "metal" made with in the last 10 or 15 years has less and less of that as time goes on. Metallica is one of the best examples. You can seriously hear the difference in the music that was written by Dave before he got kicked out. Taste is subjective, quality is not. Metallica has become one of those bands that milks their fans for the money and tries to appeal to a greater number of people in the interest of money. While to my knowledge, this has never been confirmed by a band member, it is quite obvious.
  18. Slayer, Megadeth, Pantera, anthrax, Motorhead, Black Sabbath to name a few.
  19. This is some sad boi middle schooler music. Have only found a total of 4 people in this community that like real metal.
  20. Discord has officially shit the bed boys.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Steve


      The servers were down

    3. BlackShot


      Thank god they weren't sold to Microsoft.

    4. Steve
  21. No one asked you underchungo.
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