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Fried Rice

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Everything posted by Fried Rice

  1. Qualify of life, if someone gives me keys to a house why can’t I see it on the map? And I mean permanent keys not server restart.
  2. Make shared keys show on the map as a different colored house icon.
  3. not true, still broken https://gyazo.com/5e76258d86b85e7d2521ed4b07b62ce8
  4. Steve said if 5 people join we can kick this one annoying kid, apply today!
  5. What are my chances, I'm reformed.
  6. Or he can walk the extra 5 feet and be next to you when it happens
  7. Can you make it to where we can use bloodmoney to buy saved loadouts?
  8. Looking for people to say the N word with me on steves stream
  9. @Mitch (IFRIT) they leaked the support interviews again.
  10. Considering how all the people you know dont play anymore I find that incorrect, also seeing as almost everyone who quotes you or talks about you calls you stupid I think you have some narcissistic traits and should consider going to therapy.
  11. He will make an excuse on why hes right and why everyone else is always wrong and autistic.
  12. Fried Rice


    Is the gorilla black or white
  13. The purpose of lethals were to kill the threat not pardon them. When someone sits in a house and shoots people we lethal them so they cant be revived and continue to kill people (unless there more than 1 then you lethal both). We lethal bank roof and prison so its easier to push into the event and have a better chance of ending it with one person dead and another reviving, not to give them a pardon. Thats why lethals being a pardon was brought up in every APD meeting because people abused it too much. It gives incentive to keep going back to said event instead of the mindset "well he lost his bounty, im not going back".
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