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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Frizzy

  1. Accepted as TRIAL- Teamspeak has been sent through a private message!
  2. https://gyazo.com/f92cf1949977cbee8a82fae60b877504 tryna be like poppa
  3. https://gyazo.com/9aae443d3389401dc48341cc14d5ccb7
  4. Please fix your messages I cant send you one.
  5. Well how many banks did you see on a regular basis when the bank was in the middle of pygros? How many do you see now? I most certainly believe that the bank move alone caused more activity on servers for both cops and rebels. Now this is a separate issue entirely. I feel you bro and I dont want to argue about it because I personally have asked bamf about that same issue.
  6. I'd like to file an identity fraud claim on dom and ty please and thank you.
  7. Did they not listen to put the old bank back? Did they not listen to putting the cartel money straight to gang banks?(just a few examples im sure people can come up with more) They are trying man we need to start realizing that as a community. This sort of mob mentality is no good for anyone let's help each other out and come up with great ideas that will make Asylum great. I also believe they are taking the right steps to fixing the problem with the gap between the devs and the community by appointing mitch to CM, I also believe mitch is doing his best to help do his part. Do they always listen? No I dont believe they do but looking at it from a game balance standpoint you can't listen to everything everyone wants to implement into the game.
  8. @bamf @Gnashes I know this has been mentioned before but can we please make it (if even possible) that while at active cartels and you get kills make that count towards your war rating. Before you answer that's the point of gangs warring each other let me just say that some gangs do not want to war each other 24/7 because maybe they don't want to be dead on sight ALL of the time when a 1 isn't on. Also before anyone says this will make wars useless no it will not because wars still serve its purpose to get rating anywhere and not to have to initiate. Also maybe we can make use of war rating points in some kind of way other than it just existing and titles(although I think we need more titles). I'm sure people can come up with some great ideas. Rebel talent trees. Man oh man do we need some rebel talent trees bounty hunters have them police officers have them hell even regular civilians have them. I'm just at work thinking so mind my ramblings and excuse the typos. (Phone)
  9. Mostly NA but we are looking to expand. We have guys on all different times of the day!
  10. somewhere chilling with mrgravity and the rest of em.......think they call that 3rd party heaven
  11. If this looks like something you might be interested in feel free to apply.....
  12. Application requirements 1. Give & receive orders well (a.k.a) tactical communications. 2. Good knowledge of each cartel location. 3. 2000+ hours on ArmA 3, as well 500K+ in-game bank. 4. Follow all server rules. Application Format Age: In-game name: Location/Timzeone: Screenshot of hours: Screenshot of in-game bank: Why do you want to join xo?: List of previous gangs (if any): Anyone in the gang that can vouch for you?: You can privately submit an application to the leaders.
  13. Windsyy different kind of species.....
  14. Frizzy


    See ya man it was fun VDMing you while it lasted.
  15. Motivated sellers only! Please message me in detail if you are trying to sell any houses/industrial sheds near Athira Rebel.
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