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Camo Netting


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Can rebels get the ability to place camo netting to conceal their vehicles from being spotted by heli's? I feel this would be a cool addition to add especially during this months processing event. Maybe run it as a test to see how it works out?


* 1 or 2 max Camo nettings allowed to be place by an individual

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I think its probably better just to put down a few IR nets in the drug fields anyways.

5 hours ago, Vista said:

I have seen the drug fields from the air 1000s of times. If there is a pixel out of place I will know about it. Not sure if this will help you to be honest.

Avoids this and heli patrol is already pretty strong

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  • 3 weeks later...

After a bit of testing this honestly does very little to obscure your vehicle.

I think the best action going forward would be,

Being more cognizant that the APD has a stronger air presence than from when these fields/processors were originally designed.
Placing more objects to obscure vehicles from both land & air (This is something i tried to do when making purification factory)

Id also challenge the APD captains/Senior Admins to re-think air patrol policy. Since going down to one server, we on average have more higher ups on. I understand that APD patrol time has been limited due to frequent federal events however we took some steps to limit the spam (No longer able to do 2 feds at the same time/cooldowns). APD could give a little here.

In short going forward devs will do their best to make processors/fields better. Or at the very least having enough cover to stop constables from flying 1km out and "Looking in" to call for ground support.  

Kernikov, Niels, King and 1 other like this
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