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40 minutes ago, Maaqs said:

I'll bite.

Why do you think Asylum needs NLR? And seeing as how I don't play Oly, how does NLR work in terms of cartel fighting / fed events?

Just can't return within a certain radius from where you died for 10 minutes, this includes spawning in a house right next to where you died to catch the player who killed you off guard, it relieves some of the stress of when will the player who I just killed randomly show up and shoot me in the back?

Also I just wanted to be first so I made this up on the spot ngl, but I still think its a valid thing to be suggested and I'm sure people will agree

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4 minutes ago, Fried Rice said:

NLR doesn't fit our server, you also have to keep in mind they have a 15 minute bleed out timer as well which helps a lot with the NLR rule. 

tbh I agree I enjoy going back instantly I do it all the time

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there used to be an NLR rule in its own way, before when we were hyper focused on RP if you died you were not allowed to talk about the previous life or remember anything that happened before dying. As stated in other posts asylum has to differentiate from the competitor whom has and always been focused on the RP side of things. The NLR incorporated on asylum after being gone for so long would just cause more people getting bans for a couple hours/days causing them to go play other servers or not play arma at all. I loved asylums RP focus in the past, but I also love that one faction on asylum should be the main RP aspect of the server (cops). Last but not least I get hyped not knowing where or when the person is gonna come back knowing that they can at anytime within 5 minutes if not in an illegal area.

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