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State of Asylum V 3.0 : Client (Still) Not Responding

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State of Asylum V 3.0 : Client (Still) Not Responding

A Quick Introduction

This thread is going to follow in the format of the two other threads that I made some months ago. Some things stated previously will come back up in this post because addressing them would be a good idea. There has been a lot of improvement over the past months but some problems still persist. This is probably going to be a shorter post.

What's Wrong?

As stated in the previous two threads, communication is a big issue. Additionally, I'd like to address ignorance within this community. Some admins like to argue points without any sort of definitive evidence and ignore community members that spend time compiling evidence and information about issues.

• BattlEye Kicks (Again)

There has been a lot of improvement over the past few months with the amount of BattlEye kicks going on in the servers. One must remember, however, it's been nine months since the beginning of these lag spikes/kicks and they are still not fixed. On the contrary, @bamf made a very nice post bringing the community together to talk about BattlEye kicks and it worked  out rather well. Despite hid thread, however, the kicks do still sometimes happen and bring frustration to community members. There needs to be more communication with the developers and the community. Developer-player interaction has improved a lot over the past few months, yes  but the community is still failing to hear updates from developers on progress against this issue. Without a doubt, a lot of community members would appreciate if at least a sentence about combating this everlasting issue was posted in the patch notes. Just a sentence would bring reassurance and let members know that the problem isn't being ignored and the developers are doing everything in their power to fix the issue.

• Ignorance

In recent patch notes a very controversial change has come to light. Carrier lights are not allowed to be used with CSAT clothing due to extreme armor values. Leading up to this change, many community members (@Haych , @Bikstok , etc.) posted many videos, screenshots, and evidence to prove how skewed the armor values were against other clothing. Unfortunately, a member of the staff ignored absolutely all of the obvious proof and went on to argue for ages against it. This only caused a divide and ultimately the problem took longer to fix. The staff member in question has done things like this in the past and I am not mentioning his name in order to get this post approved through mod queue. If this certain staff member were to take the massive amounts of evidence posted by the community into consideration, maybe a change would have come faster. Ignorance does not help to solve problems, it only helps to preserve them. It also causes an unnecessary divide and fuels arguments.

Shorter this time but I felt like readdressing some of these things would have been a good idea. Please do not flame, don't want this shit locked if it gets approved. Thank you.


edit : Some of my points may seem biased and that's because they are. I try to remain unbiased but in situations such as these I take into account my own experiences over the past ~9 months and am frustrated. Also, some of them may be a little bit unclear. I would like to state that the Battleye kicks have improved A LOT over the past months but still happen. For example, I started a bank yesterday with some friends and we all got kicked.

Edited by explicit
fuck you
MrClean, Flax, Steve and 14 others like this
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I want a comp for my carrier lite.. I logged out with a carrier lite and CSATS last time I played and now i log in in my CSAT I want comp!

what idiot thought this would be a good idea?! it's called being able to aim? but that's why Altis Life is dying.. too many changes that are shit..

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2 hours ago, Eric916 said:

I want a comp for my carrier lite.. I logged out with a carrier lite and CSATS last time I played and now i log in in my CSAT I want comp!

what idiot thought this would be a good idea?! it's called being able to aim? but that's why Altis Life is dying.. too many changes that are shit..

Cant tell if you are serious.
If you are, please uninstall arma to save space for minecraft mods

Thanks in advance,
Asylum community .

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2 hours ago, Eric916 said:

I want a comp for my carrier lite.. I logged out with a carrier lite and CSATS last time I played and now i log in in my CSAT I want comp!

what idiot thought this would be a good idea?! it's called being able to aim? but that's why Altis Life is dying.. too many changes that are shit..

I hope you are fucking kidding, if not you are fucking stupid. 

Will likes this
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Nice post, have you come up with a solution Armas poor memory allocation?  These kicks happen on all severs that dont constantly have hard restarts. I personally get kicked for this more on Olympus than Asylum, I literally cant even log on the their servers without being kicked within the first 10 minutes.  I have been kicked for this once since they identified the problem and stared combating it.    

Gnashes argued that the values are the same. They are... Do some research before trying to bash people who have already done the research.  Something being bugged again on Bohemias part is not the fault of Asylum devs.  Everyone demanded pilot coveralls back, now select people want them gone.  I dont see a problem whatsoever, stop shooting people in the crotch and you'll be fine.

Edited by HotWings
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2 hours ago, HotWings said:

 Everyone demanded pilot coveralls back, now select people want them gone. 

Tbh, I don't remember many people wanting Coveralls back, the majority wanted CSAT Fatigues back after Bohemia fixed the damage bug on them. Paratus just realised he'll make a shit ton of money if he put them behind a paywall.

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12 hours ago, HotWings said:

 Everyone demanded pilot coveralls back, now select people want them gone.  



10 hours ago, Haych said:

Tbh, I don't remember many people wanting Coveralls back, the majority wanted CSAT Fatigues back after Bohemia fixed the damage bug on them. Paratus just realised he'll make a shit ton of money if he put them behind a paywall.



You saw someone asking for pilot coveralls every once and a while, half of the time it was people just trolling.  Most people finally accepted that they are bugged and just moved on.  I think just about everyone was surprised that they were added into lootcrates.


But a little more on topic.  I do think general ignorance with certain staff members is only going to hurt people's willingness to bring forward ideas if they think they are immediately going to get shot down, be talked down to or just the "we know better" kind of attitude.  I think everyone can admit that communication is fairly poor on Asylum, there is very little dev interaction and community managers ( Who on a personal level, I like both of them ) don't do their jobs.  In the case of the pilot coverall thread, that was probably most irritating thing to witness, here's video evidence that they are clearly bugged yet everyone was being treated like they're stupid.  I'm glad you guys did right by removing carrier + coverall combo.  Honestly, judging from the post from a certain staff member, I figured you guys were just going to put the ball in BI's court and make them fix it and act oblivious.  But again, you did the right thing but next time I can go without being talked down to and the arrogant and condescending post.


In terms of all the kicks and the occasional crashes.  I've lost plenty of money over it and it makes me not want to do anything that takes longer than an hour on Asylum.  All the kicks are near gamebreaking at times but i'm just holding out on the 64bit update and see how much that fixes.  It's more BI's fault for never optimizing their games and fixing shit without breaking more shit.  I don't really know who's to blame I'm just reserving judgment for the 64bit patch and seeing how it goes.  



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One thing that confuses me, is why they ignored the temporary solution we came up with the first time the kicks started. Cap the servers to 80 instead of 100. Less players thus less memory usage. It was obvious the day the kicks started it only happened when the server hit very high population. The devs where to busy at the time blaming Ddos. Apparently its never the servers fault, its either Bohemia or a 3rd party. Carry that logic into Identity and we'll see how far it goes.


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38 minutes ago, FuzzyPanda said:

Lol, asylum reminds me of America tbh...

The Staff=Donald Trump-No Fucks Given.

The Citizens rioting=rdming in asylum

The feminist= the people who cry about rdm

FuzzyPanda=Problem Solver... :kappa:

lol, you remind me a lot of an autistic child tbh...

Stupid ass posts.

57 likes/ 494 posts.

Your location is "your girlfriends house"


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18 hours ago, Undead Warrior said:

I hope you are fucking kidding, if not you are fucking stupid. 

19 hours ago, Ofek said:

Cant tell if you are serious.
If you are, please uninstall arma to save space for minecraft mods

Thanks in advance,
Asylum community .

Edited by Eric916
Haych likes this
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As with every other post in reference to this.....which mind you does nothing but create an environment to complain, does not produce a positive solution or end result. Instead of making these posts, how about you dig into the mission file, find the problem, localize the exact issue, make a post with the solution, THEN this would be productive. We are aware there are mass kick issues, if you think otherwise...well nevermind. If you can find the issue, BY ALL MEANS, let us know, because Paratus and Bamf would love help finding the needle in the haystack.

USCCHRIS and Heidelberg like this
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