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Everything posted by Gagss

  1. https://gyazo.com/bd0e9f88458bd036b37f8843ccede2a3 selling these starting at 295
  2. https://open.spotify.com/user/akabender/playlist/3YmBoZZputNLTAhO5c9xCr?si=y9Jh63WmR3OjPg03fSNAGw
  3. with north kavala reb @Donald Clinton the kavala rats will be armed to the teeth
  4. I mean make it one way or the other but Please don’t have the larger amount damage with no options of seat belts
  5. https://gyazo.com/8cc25a4270689d254672270cf82154cf jk its good idea
  6. But honestly if you post any content to the Asylum forums there is to be expected criticism even if it’s “hate” so i guess what i’m saying is don’t be a bitch about just ignore it
  7. The point of criticism is to show what people like/dislike so then he can work on it for his next montage
  8. Otis the Kavala Stray @Donald Clinton @Tim-I @EthanS @MonkeyS
  9. Peoples be landing in Atheria
  10. Chilling with the boys in Pyrgos Average day on Asylum
  11. My point is that its easy on asylum
  12. For one thing the money that the staff has given is Not a lot at All you can Burn through faster than they can give it. Second is that making money on Asylum is about 10 times easier than Olympus many people above me said the cops on Olympus are cocks and the people on there camp and rob literally Everything. Plus you could always Do SCOTCH on here easy as hell
  13. Gagss

    Happy New Year!

    Happy New Year precinct 3 dumb ass <3
  14. https://gyazo.com/8245e294b2b9d568b50b4cf06786cfcc
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