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  1. Past hour
  2. Fitz

    Changelog May

    Rework #1: In preparation of the community meeting this weekend, I wanted to take into account some of the feedback and some of the issues regarding some of the cartel features and push a more in-depth rework that is more in line with what our long-term thoughts are. This is to be to gather feedback for Sunday and fix some stuff still within the patch window. Cartel Rework: Cartel bonus payouts are now based on % of total that you have capped up If you start at 0% and cap all the way through you will receive maximum payout relative to the # of players online If you get wiped and start capping again at let's, say 40% down it will reset, and you will only be eligible for 40% down -> 100% up These bonus payouts are still tied to the number of players online, with the maximum possible payout being when there are 65 civilians (not within your gang) online. Cartel Timers are now based on the number of people within the area # of players = 1: 20 minutes total # of players >= 2 : ~15 minutes total # of players > 4 : ~10 minutes total The speed will change accordingly with how many people are in the zone, if you ping pong in and out, you will not gain the same speed, so these numbers are theoretical when fighting/death is brought into account
  3. Today
  4. Yo first one I’m not banned from attending!!!
  5. Fitz

    Changelog May

    Yeah I read this whole thing and have no idea what you’re suggesting about
  6. Chris Peacock


    Sorry man. Just been looking at everything
  7. Ruffian


    nigga SHUT UP
  8. Chris Peacock


    Bro just yaps to yap
  9. I think this would be cool except the arms cartel one. Cartel life is already so dead there shouldn’t be a reason to stray more players away from it
  10. Get your money up not your funny up perhaps?
  11. I think this would just piss a home owner off. Do they get a reward for stopping the house robbery? Or do they just get shot and pestered for 10mins while a group robs them
  12. Ruffian

    Changelog May

    If we’re starting a discussion on the aspects of Player v. Player combat within the confines of the Asylum gameserver, we must begin with the cartels. There is a HUGE section of the map dedicated entirely to combat and roleplay-less engagements. Cops seldom patrol this desolate wasteland and new players largely consider it a death sentence to simply enter the Warzone Island or the Drug Peninsula. However, I’m sure the uninitiated would be surprised to learn that this area of the map is mostly un-populated, as cartels are only truly fought over when two large groups/gangs are online, a group wants to hold drug for the processing bonus, or the Chinese/Dragons group is 12 manning the caps at 0200 in the morning. Cartels are easily in one of the worst transitionary periods ever seen by this server. When compared to the Olympus cartel system, they come off as a relic of an older, slower time when fights weren’t so fast-paced and the 20 minute cap timer was something of a necessity. With the removal of the cap cooldowns, there is honestly no reason that after a single fight that a group of 4-6 players should be forced to idle on a cap for 16~ minutes, browsing TikTok, waiting for the 100% to pop so they can entertain themselves elsewhere. Additionally, we all know that the payout system newly implemented has players scrambling to sit on caps to secure the 150,000 that comes with it, however I’d say that I’ve noticed a distinct lack of fighting, even with these new incentives added. In my opinion, an easy fix is a slight buff to the tax the cartels take from various money-making methods to incentivize gangs to set up “pay out” systems and reward newer or poorer gangs for contributing to the fighting environment. Alongside my previous suggestion to lower the cap timer for faster-moving fights and generally less boredom on the cartels. These ideas combined with Chris Peacock's PERCENTAGE based pay-out system instead of a cooldown (effectively a re-implementation of the cap cooldown) might help to re-vitalize the cartel fighting environment.
  13. Give money per percent on cap. So if we upcap it 50% we get less money than if we were to down cap it and up cap again. This would stop people from exploiting tons of money and still not basically give a cooldown to the cartels Maybe 1k per % up and down This could be a lot harder but you could make the money given to you based on the amount of players that are online in the gang you are taking it from. If you are upcapping your own cap keep it a base price (~1k per percent) but if u are down capping from a gang with more people you could give more $ per percent and less money for less people per percent. This would make it to where if you are gonna recap a cartel you are 100% gonna get atleast 100k if you fully do it
  14. That shouldn't be a problem. We record it and take a lot of notes.
  15. Can I have a summary after the meeting
  16. Sunday May 19, 2024 at 4pm EST. Bring thoughts, concerns, and ideas. This will be in discord in the community meeting channel.
  17. Fitz

    Changelog May

    I spent 5 hours today clawing back exploited money, what changes would you suggest? Sure
  18. Can we fix the STASH HOUSEs taking up TURF Limit, please? IMO, those should have their own class....
  19. andddd we killed cartel life again
  20. Hydro


    Find one wrong in this photo https://steamcommunity.com/id/HydroSWE/screenshot/2474242308004741620/
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