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Posts posted by Dally

  1. 9 minutes ago, Church said:

    I’m not interested in getting shot through the metal wall when I’m sitting in tower not peaking. If you’re looking to implement a sniper that doesn’t have that potential then I don’t see why an mk-1 or mk-18 wouldn’t suffice your needs.

    Go play some more Dayz

    Church likes this
  2. 4 hours ago, Tyler said:

    I don't think you understand how language works. You are supposed to convey a message to someone so... either you are retarded or i'm retarded because i have no clue what the fuck you are trying to say here...

    I'll put it in simpler terms since you can't comprehend basic English. If we were to fight, who would have been your carries (People who get the most kills on your team) soooo for the next gang wars we can recruit them in order to replace 2 of our worst players

  3. 4 hours ago, Cory B said:

    Here's something I made awhile back to show Mitch. Don't know if it got anywhere and there are somethings that are already said on here but i'm lazy and not editing it.

    This shows the different tiers we would have. Something along the line of what bounty hunter has. Named it Infamy. Don't know how you guys would feel about it. Open to anything. But here's what me and a couple people in Requiem made. 

    Hopefully maybe the war rating can be turned into honor or something. My brain hurts.


    I like it

    CoryB likes this
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