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  1. LOL. its not like there is a limited supply of these skins. If 3 people buy them at $25 you make $75. Nice. if you LISTEN to the community and sell 50 at $10 well you've made a whole lot more and earnt the respect of your community. The server is too driven by profit and cunts huffin admin/owner farts its no longer fun.
  2. @CoffeeTea Please tell us all how u came to acquire 5 prime sheds mate
  3. I heard @CoffeeTea Snapped up all the good sheds while admin, how that make yall feel? Yall can grind hard as fuck but ull never own what some ****** admin has.
  4. Would love to see a map of altis with the ownership of houses to people with an admin in their group, would be intresting
  5. No cops are playing the game. We are talking about ways to bring the cops back.
  6. Yeah i understand that completely. What about this might seem crazy Fucking off Bounty Hunter? They have all the freedom of red zones, roleplay, good armor, vehicles, dont have to answer to squeezers who climbed ladders made of cocks n balls for a rank, dont have to respond to all the bullshit, and they are clearing out all the bounties so when cops do come online theres absolutly nothing for them to do, why would anyone want to play cop?
  7. Appreciate a member of the APD stopping by to comment I have to disagree, i am a returning player trying to rebuild and as im working from home i have a stupid amount of hours played the last 2 weeks https://gyazo.com/b296c8b85c2bc03bd897904564b8503b and there is RARELY any cops on let alone higher ups at the times i play which vary not always the same timeframe. id like the community to speak about their experiences as this is just our two opinions.
  8. When you visit asylum website the first thing you read is HEISTS ROBBERIES COPS. What cops? Higher ups arent out there in the field with their men leading. Not even Constables are playing the server, there are never any cops even on. If maybe a captain was out there actually doing something other than coming up with armchair rules and deleting criticisms, it'd be one less thing we need to fix. @bbgreg17 Show playtime over the last 3 weeks mate.
  9. Denied. No Scripters. Be gone. 

    1. linshen


      thank you   but i donot know 


  10. Quests Broken? I dont believe it for a second.... *sits in house full of Golden nuggies*
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