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Everything posted by goyney

  1. wasn’t easy editing out the prediction dot
  2. It’s overdue. He can’t even get a VDM ban right.
  3. goyney

    Free demi rose

    20 players on conq last night. 60 on dom on Thursday. Don’t pretend.
  4. remove hand / gl smokes from dom no use in the meta and people abuse them for the sole purpose of putting caps to 5 frames get rid pls
  5. spatiotemporal these dogshit translators make you look smart, I might use one
  6. @Forestergets more clips off his dad than what’s in this
  7. it's what we are left with brother
  8. helmet cam is sick, nice editing
  9. goyney


    so you can macro spam it, funny you posted this after going negative on dom
  10. sorry only got yellow sheds
  11. some things don't change, like the requirements to be staff on asylum; be old or be an apd higher up
  12. Although we have to limit slots for gang skins on the main server, we could offer skins on domination without limitations related to the mission. So that's on the table for discussion.
  13. Baseline: Initial fee: 25USD x1 skin 40USD x2 50USD x3 Monthly renewal fee: 10USD x1 15USD x2 20USD x3 Uniforms to chose from: Coveralls - Will not be accessible to those who have not unboxed them Granits MTP fatigues Wetsuit Custom request, subject to approval prior to payment Vehicles: Ifrit Hunter Orca Qilin Hatch Custom request, subject to approval prior to payment
  14. you can hardly call anyone an idiot. you make 10 suggestion posts a week and they are all shit.
  15. we are years away from arma 4. plenty time
  16. the 2 rip clip is one of the goats
  17. translator free trial go crazy
  18. goyney


    I’ll pay any fee for you to get an IRL forename change for the houses
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