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Everything posted by Protocol

  1. I feel special that I was someone’s bounty
  2. Protocol


    Their both a w f u l
  3. You don’t have the right to use a filthy frank meme.
  4. Nice I had a good laugh also good editing skills to!
  5. You know the point of a montage is to show you killing people not a cop downing someone and a explosion in the distance right?
  6. It’s a steam link and I’m not a booter so I won’t take down your toaster for a week lol
  7. https://steamcommunity.com/id/dgonyea31/screenshot/803241328780640523 Barbed wire?????
  8. Damn dude we had some good time chillin out in DS and other gangs gonna miss u bro ;( ( I’ll get that gta V outfit glitch out dw)
  9. —————————____________————————
  10. I respect your opinion but the thing is about that is that if your going to medical to get medical and you gotta fight people the likely hood of you getting demolished is pretty good considering the cops can spawn so close with decent guns almost infinitely
  11. Yea I guess your right maybe with only tier 3 when rebel gets medical turfs do as well.
  12. If you got a high bounty or such and go straight to athira medical there is a high chance your gonna meet bounty hunters or cops
  13. i Don’t see what could be wrong with it. honestly would probably add more of a reason to go cap turfs tbh alongside the added benefits.
  14. I liked it not to bad! I would love to see more of this if you ever get the time to make another one.
  15. I honestly think they should just do double $ on certain weekends and holidays like gta 5.
  16. @YuSheng nice bro now you can convince @Nino Brown to ban me for getting stuck in objects easier. good job tho well deserved lol.
  17. Think about this each time you make new make and put it in a barrel it ages 15 years every restart so how old would our characters be then? Since of course every restart the scotch ages 15 years so do our characters could this be a new lore for asylum?!
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