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  1. BioHazard liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Rebel VS APD Team Objective Status + Suggestions   
    Most of you probably won't remember but I was always a fan of the original Federal Reserve which was where the current prison is located. It was great. I have attached pictures of what it looked like from both sides.  
    HOW IT WORKED: It worked very similar to the way the bank and prison breaks are done now. You would go inside the building and in the middle was a vault. Scroll wheel and start the robbery which would start a 10 minute timer. After 10 minutes the person who activated the robbery received the cash on hand. Anywhere from around $100,000 to $3,000,000 (old money system). The amount was based on a few things like how much time has passed since it was last successfully robbed, how many cops where online and how many civilians did not purchase bank insurance (that was a thing. If you had not purchased insurance in game and the bank was robbed you would personally loose about $30,000 from your bank account). Then you had to escape from the island and wait an additional ten minutes before the person who received the money could give it to other people or deposit it in an ATM. 
    WHY I LIKED IT:  It was simple. Just one building. But it's that simplicity that made it amazing. Some of you who just want to play "peek and shoot" from a tower or deer stand might not appreciate it's simplicity but ask any cop or veteran gang member from the time (innovative, BIONIC, TBC, Paradox, M3RC, SC, TRS, FSA) and they would agree it was a massive amount of fun and it had a fairly even 50/50 success and failure rate. It really all depended on how organized the cops and robbers were to determine who would win. I can personally remember many times for example when innovative with only 6-7 members robbing the fed would hold off and repel 10-15 cops and make their escape with the money. Also bear in mind, this was a time when there was no revive system. If you were killed, that was it. You had to respawn fresh. Some of you may be wondering, "How were they so successful without deer stands or towers to hide and shoot from?" Simple, you made use of the land around you. Low-lying brick walls, trees, rocks, the topography of the land on the island, people with wet suits and SDARS in the water, shooters staged in different locations on the main island, etc.
    The reason I'm saying all this is for one, I'm feeling nostalgic. And two, less is more. Not every firefight, cartel fight, bank robbery, fed robbery, prison break, etc needs to involve attacking or defending a well fortified fixed position that a small group of people could sit in and theoretically fight there forever until they either run out of ammo or get bored and leave (see Fed Reserve when the deer-stands were still in place). Adding more towers or building to some of these locations is not the answer. Some of the absolute best firefights I've been a part of  in my two years here didn't involve ARMA III military installations. But this is just one man's opinion.               

  2. Reavantos liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Change Log 6.6.5   
    It takes time. Proper placement of all the NPC's, shops, spawn locations, drug locations, rebel locations, mining locations, etc on a new map. Choosing/implementing/pricing all potential new weapons, vehicles, clothing and items. Then of course making sure everything works as intended. Paratus wouldn't want to rush out a new modded server that's broken and bugged to hell.
    Your patience will be rewarded.  
  3. MaverickSanders liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Change Log 6.6.5   
  4. Volunteer281 liked a post in a topic by Buckwalter in For Those Serious Cops   
    I have to disagree with you here. If there are cops on Asylum as awesome as this guy, I want to play with them. Because if we're being really honest, the dude in that video is a boss.
    Some people might find it grating, but just because I don't take it that seriously doesn't mean I can't enjoy dealing with people who are that into it. As long as he's having fun and not hurting anyone else's experience, more power to him. I wouldn't even be mad if I got arrested by this guy, in fact I think it might be kind of glorious haha. 
    But your point about people taking things too seriously is legitimate when it starts to hurt other people's playtime. If you go apoplectic every time you're digitally punished for your virtual crimes or feel the need to abuse others while enforcing imaginary laws or mistreat your fictitious subordinates or rivals, you probably should reevaluate the way you play the game. But as long as you aren't hurting anyone else's experience, I say nerd out as hard as you want. 10-4 lima taco niner. 
  5. Volunteer281 liked a post in a topic by Sneaky in Sojobo Breaking Twitch Rules   
    Just lemme know when Jury Duty is available and I'll be at the kavala courthouse in minutes.
  6. Volunteer281 liked a post in a topic by Trilligy in A Couple Suggestions   
    1. No taru was removed from the servers for a reason.

    2. Paratus is very strict on mission file size he has done a few skins and plans to add a few more later on.

    3. This has been asked for in the past and always comes down to the same answer which is NO.
    4. Houses caps are set so others get the chance to buy houses.
    5. Maybe wouldn't be a bad idea but might be a pain in the ass to code and crates would go missing.
    6. Tents only worked for a short time and its on a long to-do list of shit he has to fix.
    7. Go ask Rebels if they want to spend more on guns that are pistols and a PDW
    8. Maybe only 1 crate really these houses are only to spawn in most people just turn it into a gang house.
    9. Maybe can't really see a down side if someone wants to waste money on a broken house
    10. Eh, those are far places only used for fights so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    11. Another thing on a long list of shit that needs to be fixed.
  7. Volunteer281 liked a post in a topic by Trilligy in People who Say Altis Life is Dead   
    The reason people are saying this is because gang life is fairly boring and many believe it is hard to make money on the servers so they want better ways to make cash and the money cap removed. Cartels need to be changed more then just moving the cap spot every server restart, while we did listen to the people the first time about changing the passive gain from cartels because it was to much most people want to see something like it come back because well fighting is expensive. Most people hate the money cap but honestly it is living up to the purpose it was made for which is to stop people from being able to fight all day and they have to go make money. But, mainly many of the people who state the servers are dying honestly are just upset and think we don't listen to their opinions when most of the staff sits here and actually reads almost anything posted on the forums.
  8. Atmosphere liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in A message to Encore   
    Congratulations, you have won the internet. 
  9. Chau liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in A message to Encore   
    Congratulations, you have won the internet. 
  10. DreamC liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in A message to Encore   
    Congratulations, you have won the internet. 
  11. Deadly liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in A message to Encore   
    Congratulations, you have won the internet. 
  12. Alec-I liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in A message to Encore   
    Congratulations, you have won the internet. 
  13. Volunteer281 liked a post in a topic by Goldberg Attorney at Law in A message to Encore   
  14. Volunteer281 liked a post in a topic by Norwegianviking in A message to Encore   
  15. Volunteer281 liked a post in a topic by Alec-I in A message to Encore   
  16. Ghost0fDawn liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Asylum Modded server leak???   
    Again, you guys are ridiculous. 

  17. Reavantos liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Asylum Modded server leak???   
    Again, you guys are ridiculous. 

  18. rngr liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Asylum Modded server leak???   
    Again, you guys are ridiculous. 

  19. explicit liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Asylum Modded server leak???   
    Again, you guys are ridiculous. 

  20. Scott liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Asylum Modded server leak???   
    Again, you guys are ridiculous. 

  21. blinky liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Asylum Modded server leak???   
    Lol you guys are ridiculous 
  22. The Boss liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Asylum Modded server leak???   
  23. Olivia liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Change Log 6.6.5   
    Haha no.
  24. DreamC liked a post in a topic by Volunteer281 in Asylum Modded server leak???   
    Lol you guys are ridiculous 
  25. Volunteer281 liked a post in a topic by Killswitch in Just some shenanigans....   
    Bada brought this up, so I had to make it...not as good as some of you could make it, this I am sure, but I did it fast


    Sorry Jessie :-( Didn't know who else to throw in that role
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