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Posts posted by Dredge

  1. I'm just going to say one thing, the "It was self defense" RP is over used. Every time I pull someone over for manslaughter all they say was "it was self defense, pardon plz". I get it at least 50 times a day. Self defense, self defense, self defense. Give me a story. Take me step by step. Give me the details of your Navy Seal skills. If you just say "he tried to rob me, self defense" and leave it at that I will give you a ticket. Why? Because everyone uses self defense like its an instant pardon button. If you give me a cool story I will work with you. Ask anyone. I pardon more than I arrest if you have a unique story. Just last night I pardoned a 7k bounty because he got up on a box and started reliving the story with me, another constable and our cadet.



    Nyjal, Dr_Dingleberry and Emma like this
  2. 1 hour ago, Wondero said:

    If you come across someone wearing a medic uniform who is not actually a medic, you should ask that person to drop the uniform and if that person refuses, you would charge them with "Possession of police equipment" in game, but read the charge as "Possession of medic equipment" to that person when you're charging him/her.

    But can we take the uniform though? If they dont drop it and get charged, then what? They spend the entire time getting charged every time an APD Officer sees them. 

    Sp0on likes this
  3. No there is no rule, but as stated having 1000 threads saying thr same thing drowns out any ideas or concerns players have. So why not use one thread where all of the information can be posted and all of the responses looked at as opposed to having to sift through a hundred different threads with a ton of replys. Instead of drowing it out, use what someone else has started. Plus it helps keep the forums neat and tidy

  4. If both sides had the same weapon it would boil down to TDM. No tactics. Just who can shoot faster. Cops not having the rebel gear forces them to be smart(ish) about how they operate. Not to mention as Pentax said, no one wants to lose 20k loudouts every 10 minutes by rdm just because we have sirens on our cars. 

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