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  1. Roice liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Remove overeating   
  2. Repto liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Remove overeating   
  3. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Hubschrauber in Missing charges   
    Can we add a "possession of stolen jewelry" charge for people caught with with the aforementioned items? Maybe even two charges if they have The Hope Diamond since that's supposed to be the big amazing item from that Fed? 
    Possession of Stolen Jewelry (for all assorted stolen jewels) for whatever amount the devs find reasonable
    Grand Theft Larceny (for possession of The Hope Diamond) for whatever amount the devs find reasonable that is larger than Possession of Stolen Jewelry 
  4. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Jr4life24 in Retired Corporal   
    Probably won’t ever be a thing. We already have over 270 whitelisted corporals due to retirement. I’m personally not interested in almost doubling that number.
  5. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Donald in Retired Corporal   
    would be cool if you could petition to have your monthly hour requirement lowered if you have been an active corporal for 2 years or something. I don't think they should get retirement perks or a new title in game though.
  6. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Fried Rice in Retired Corporal   
    Corporal is already easy to achieve. Retired status is given because of the time people put into whatever role they were given. Corporal has 0 responsibility other than playtime. Higher ups are able to deal with a situation because they hold a staff rank and are able to deal with it accordingly. If a retired Corporal pulls up and the officer in question refuses to listen, what is he supposed to do? He has no access to apps or any power to do anything. He could report but if the civ made a request he is probably going to report anyways. 
  7. Kelly liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Changelog October   
    rip boombox
    no more grooving on poor people
  8. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Jr4life24 in ****APD Policy Update 10/29/2023****   
    Effective Immediately
    Casino Policy
    The Casino will be off limits for on-duty APD officers. However, officers are allowed to go to Casino with legitimate reason, such as: 
    Active Visual Pursuit
    Rescue a kidnapped officer
    Once officers arrive at the casino they may only retrieve the suspects involved. They may not restrain anyone else at the casino, you may only apprehend the suspects involved in the active visual pursuit and the suspects involved in the kidnapping.  
    Changed charges
    Possession of Reggie Weed -> Possession of Cannabis/Marijuana Disobeying an officer - $500 -> $1000 (Still warn, ticket and jail for 3rd offense.) These charges are now must charge if observed due to increased ticket price
    Discharge within city limits - $500 -> $2000 Landing within city limits - $500 ->$2000
  9. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Austin Rogers The Original in Changelog October   
    Casino is back baby lets gooo!!!!
  10. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by zdeat in Changelog October   
    Remember kids, 99% of gamblers quit right before they win BIG!
  11. Sleeper Don liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Pretty sure the majority of the Asylum community is minors, and people who are not permitted within 100m of minors...
  12. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by DS_Billy in 10 Years of Drunk Squad   
    So something rather special happened this month. Get ready for gayness.

    10 years ago @Drunk Devin @Travy @IndianapolisJones and some Asian wife beater we don't talk about anymore, came into asylum from another server and founded Drunk Squad.

    Since then, Drunk Squad has been lead by @Drunk Devin @PwnCake @Luke SwagWalker @Robb and myself.

    The first time i encountered Drunk Squad was late 2013, i came across a very drunken Indy and a very young Luke Swagwalker, i was swiftly roped into surrounding a police officer and torturing him to the point where we ended up taking over the kavala hq, where i was swiftly downed ziptied and sacraficed to mohammed by indy, by throwing me off the top of Kavala HQ.

    Since then, Drunk Squad has managed to keep its values in tact while also maintaining a fun safe place to play, upholding a family mentality that is incredibly hard to find elsewhere. We have always upheld simple values that are expected out of each and every one of the members that have come through the family. Play fair, uphold your integrity and torture the cops and anyone who is, in the words of luke swagwalker "Saltier than Nickis in the Ocean holding two salt shakers with the caps off". Gone are the days where we have 25 DS tags in the server list at one time during the glory days, but when we come together and take an interest in asylum we still manage to find inventive ways to fuck with people. Mainly cops.

    While other gangs on asylum have come and gone we have stayed as a staple. We take breaks off asylum, whilst always maintaining a presence there, but our community has always been here since we were founded. We have since spread into different games to try and scratch the itch that not playing a 10 year old asylum leaves.

    A personal note from me, we have had many people come and go but the core has stayed the same. You lot have made sitting down in front of the pc and having the honor to log into TeamSpeak and hang out, an absolute pleasure. I have watched some of you go from single, to in a relationship, to married, to having kids. I am so proud of the people you guys have become and i love each and every one of you. People have joined Drunk Squad with the intention of splitting us up and they have never succeeded. Blood is thicker than water. Fuck em.
    A note to everybody else. 

    There is no other gang out there on asylum that remotely gets close to the success that Drunk Squad has achieved within Asylum. Although we only managed to win one Gang Wars, (Gang wars 7). We have managed to stay together for 10 years whilst annoying the fuck out of anybody who's allowed themselves to get salty. We are a different breed of human in here. We've had Jew, muslim, mormon, British, American, Norwegian, French, Canadian, Indian, Mexican, African, Black, White many other nationalities and Ebola. We all rip the shit out of eachother for our differences and it makes us closer. Drunk Squad is a great lesson for how not getting offended at anything can bring people closer. You will never be able to troll us more than we can troll you, cause we truly don't give a shit, a reaction is all we ever want out of you virgins, and if you're reading this and hating, thankyou for proving my point you dribbling retards.

    In closing, i dont know how the online presence of our family ends if ever, who knows maybe the next generation of Drunk Squad littleuns will be playing ear rape music at cops in arma 5, but i know that the family itself will never die.

    Happy Birthday to us lads and ladies. Here's to another 10 years. 

    Bring it on fuckers. 
  13. Batcan liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Pretty sure the majority of the Asylum community is minors, and people who are not permitted within 100m of minors...
  14. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by zdeat in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Why tf would anyone wanna step foot in NY
  15. Bherky liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Pretty sure the majority of the Asylum community is minors, and people who are not permitted within 100m of minors...
  16. Fried Rice liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Pretty sure the majority of the Asylum community is minors, and people who are not permitted within 100m of minors...
  17. Trist liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Pretty sure the majority of the Asylum community is minors, and people who are not permitted within 100m of minors...
  18. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Djmon in Kernikov AR   
    AR Approved for the Month of October
  19. Bag Of Funyuns liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Pretty sure the majority of the Asylum community is minors, and people who are not permitted within 100m of minors...
  20. Farmer Steve liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Pretty sure the majority of the Asylum community is minors, and people who are not permitted within 100m of minors...
  21. UberGaming liked a post in a topic by Kernikov in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    Pretty sure the majority of the Asylum community is minors, and people who are not permitted within 100m of minors...
  22. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Patato in Asylum Meet and Greet?   
    You end up on a list if you meet half of these guys in person
  23. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by Nima in Dead body marker's   
    I think it is better for cops to be able to see the other officers dead bodies marker in the map, just like the civilians do

    (I knew we already have this thing on police medic's but I'm talking about all cops should have this ability)
  24. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by zdeat in SWAT Applications - OPEN   
    SWAT Eligibility Requirements
    - Have been a Constable for at least 3 weeks.
    - No Active Points
    - Must understand the SWAT Rules and Point Policy
    Recommended Traits for SWAT Officers
    - Maturity
    - Leadership Traits
    - Great Guidebook Knowledge
    - Able to communicate in large groups
    - Have above average combat abilities as well as a good understanding of Asylum event mechanics
    SWAT Application Process
     Please fill out the application linked below. SWAT Commanders review applications on a monthly basis and discuss whether an officer is ready to be chosen for SWAT. If an officer has been chosen for SWAT, a SWAT Commander will reach out to them and go over any rules and policies before whitelisting. If you were not chosen for SWAT, please contact a SWAT Commander for more information about your application. 
    [ APPLY HERE ] 
    SWAT Activity Requirements
    The activity requirements for SWAT are as follows:
    - Must achieve 10 hour of in-game cop playtime.
    If the SWAT Commanders feel that you are not utilizing your SWAT loadouts or not being an effective team player, you will be removed from SWAT. There will be no inactivity notices. If you are not able to fulfil the time requirements, you will be removed. Talk to a SWAT Commander if you feel if you are unable to meet this requirement, please talk to a Commander.
  25. Kernikov liked a post in a topic by zdeat in SWAT Changes October 2023   
    Exciting Changes to the SWAT Team
     We are thrilled to share some significant updates regarding the future of the SWAT Team and its operations. In our relentless pursuit of excellence and efficiency, we have decided to implement a major shift in how we recruit and operate the SWAT Team.
    Effective Immediately:
    Application Based SWAT Recruitment,
    SWAT Commanders renamed from SWAT Training Officers
    Current SWAT Commanders:
    Lieutenant Zdeat
    Lieutenant Bush Tiger
    Sergeant William
     Gone are the days of the traditional SWAT Trainings. Instead we are transitioning to an application based recruitment model for joining the SWAT Team. This change will not only help with Officers who cannot attend a training because of their real life, but will also ensure that we are recruiting the best and most dedicated of our ranks. For more information on how to apply and the requirements, please click the link HERE.
    Here are some things the current SWAT Team and Officers should know!
    - Application Period: SWAT Commanders will now be recruiting on a monthly basis. They will review any SWAT Applicants, and discuss whether or not an officer is ready.
    - What the Commanders are looking for: SWAT Commanders are looking for officers that can both fight well, as well as lead the APD to victory. We are also looking for Officers that understand the Guidebook and will stay out of trouble, SWAT is a privilege and is something Officers can lose just as fast as they are recruited.
    - Accepted Officers: If an Officer is chosen to be recruited to the SWAT Team, one of the Commanders will reach out to the Officer to discuss any rules before being whitelisted for SWAT.
    - Denied Officers: If an Officer has been denied to join the SWAT Team, that Officer will need to contact a Commander to receive feedback as to why they have been denied. Commanders will not come to Officers to give feedback.
    - A More Strict SWAT: With all of the changes that are coming to SWAT and its process, we will be re-evaluating every officers whitelisting to ensure that we not only have the best fighting officers, but also Officers that are fighting and leading as a team. 
     All of these changes will allow the SWAT Commanders to use "real world" situations such as federal events instead of basing someone's recruitment off of a training. If there are any questions or concerns about this change, please do not hesitate to reach out to a SWAT Commander or Captain.
    SWAT Command
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