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  1. lukee liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Sheds   
    bro ur literally unbanned
  2. lukee liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Changelog July 2022   
    bro i think i'm gonna have to be giving this week's paycheck to mitch today
  3. lukee liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Sheds   
  4. manhua liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Asylum Cartels Remastered (Updated 7/22/22)   
    good idea shit meme
  5. Hypersomnia liked a post in a topic by Patato in Custom keybind for wanted list (redux)   
    Fair enough approved.
    Clearly explaining the idea and why it is a good idea is very helpful thank you.
  6. Hypersomnia liked a post in a topic by Bob Danaloo in Custom keybind for wanted list (redux)   
    This was denied here: 
    But I don't think the response matches what Hypersomnia was trying to say. 1 is the default keybind for pulling out your primary weapon, having the wanted list bound to it means that when you go to pull your primary the wanted list comes up and stops all movement. Unholstering with H instead will pull out your pistol if you have one and will pull out your primary IN SINGLE FIRE if you don't have a pistol. Using 1 to pull your rifle off your back always puts it into the fire mode you holstered it in.  I think what Hypersomnia was asking was to just make it so that wanted list is bound to a custom key instead of 1, not give rebels the ability to see wanted people.
  7. austin273 liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Bounty Hunter Crafting   
    Allow crafting for guns like MX, vermin, Spar, etc.  and respective ammo.
  8. Hypersomnia liked a post in a topic by Kawaii in the funniest thing you’ll see today   
    wow i dont let my gang minions speak bad about us. if you have any evidence please pass it along and he will be dealt with promptly. bamboo is an honor based organization 
  9. Hypersomnia liked a post in a topic by NotMike in Gang Garage Fees   
    To put an ifrit to gang garage it costs 22k. I suggest that another perk of owning zaros should be that the gang that owns it can transfer to gang garage free of charge. Tbh it should be free in general but this just adds another reason to fight Zaros.
  10. Hypersomnia liked a post in a topic by leee in Changes to Asylum   
    I don't really know why people think this is a suitable argument. Asylum has been around for countless years and it has never reset. Not once, and that is one of the main reasons Asylum is so unique. Anyone saying lets "reset" the server to gain more players is either just broke in-game and wants everyone to reset or has not played for over 500 hours. Because anyone who has actually played Asylum knows the struggle it can take to gain money and finally get to a suitable and comfortable position. It makes me laugh when people say "We cant make everyone happy" like Mayhem stated above, because it has NEVER been about making everyone happy. It has always been about making the majority happy, and its a clear fact the MAJORITY says no. Asylum is not going to reset the server and fuck over all active & dedicated players just to bring back the people who don't want to play anymore because they lost there money, lost there houses, or simply aren't having fun. If you love the fresh start so much and making money go empty your bank account to new players and start from $10,000. Because for most of you, you wont want to do that you just want the opportunity to go buy the "BEST HOUSE". Like stated in the community meeting by Mitch, Asylum has had massive player droughts previously, ones that he "Thought the server was shut off" but he didn't make a stupid decision to reset the server then and it turned out okay. People are busy, and everyone's no longer quarantined at home playing video games, the player base will come back around in a timely manner like it always does. 
  11. Donald liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Allow Fuel Trucks in Garages   
    I feel that if Ifrits and Hunters (as the giant hunks of metal they are) can be pulled out then I should be able to pull out a fuel truck. It literally fits:

  12. Kraken liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Allow Fuel Trucks in Garages   
    I feel that if Ifrits and Hunters (as the giant hunks of metal they are) can be pulled out then I should be able to pull out a fuel truck. It literally fits:

  13. Blake. liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Allow Fuel Trucks in Garages   
    I feel that if Ifrits and Hunters (as the giant hunks of metal they are) can be pulled out then I should be able to pull out a fuel truck. It literally fits:

  14. Gagss liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Allow Fuel Trucks in Garages   
    I feel that if Ifrits and Hunters (as the giant hunks of metal they are) can be pulled out then I should be able to pull out a fuel truck. It literally fits:

  15. CaptRhett liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Turf of Oreokastro   
    Im sorry is this your thread, my bad bro
  16. CaptRhett liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Turf of Oreokastro   
    yes but not drug runner money thats shit perk
  17. Trioxide liked a post in a topic by Hypersomnia in Turf of Oreokastro   
    yes but not drug runner money thats shit perk
  18. Hypersomnia liked a post in a topic by Trioxide in Turf of Oreokastro   
    The northwest region of the map is completely empty, and needs something. I suggest a new gang turf. It would be located in Oreokastro, and its gang benefit could be increased drug runner mission payouts (boat & plane). If the Turf had a drug dealer, then it would only be useful for crank, and very few people do crank. Instead of a Turf Drug Dealer, I suggest a Turf Wong Trader. You can sell anything that you can usually sell to Wong's Food and Liquor to it. This would be great for scotch, moonshine, etc. The only problem with this is that it would not make sense to have a cut taken from the cartel when selling at your own turf. Therefore, your gang would only be able to access the Turf Wong Trader if you also had ownership of Wong Triad. This fits perfectly, since one of the two spawn locations for Wong Triad is relatively close to Oreokastro.
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