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Asylum Cartels Remastered (Updated 7/22/22)


Asylum Cartels Remastered  

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  1. Updated (7/22/22)
  3. I Re-Organized many pieces of "Wong Triad 2" to further reduce people complaining about their OCD, I also rearranged all of the buildings, replaced one with a Altis version of a broken two story building and added a area of wooden planks as they are very fun and proven to be efficient to fight at. I also filled in the empty area with a plane crash and moved some small house ruins around the flag.
  5. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. Upon examining peoples opinions about cartels, I hereby present, the NEW AND IMPROVED ASYLUM CARTELS
  8. Many people dislike the fact that the Cartels are spread around the entire map, and some even too far to even be enjoyable fighting. 
  9. Although mostly everyone want to keep Drug Cartel, and Arms the same, Oil Cartel and Wong Triad most definitely need a change.
  10. All Cartels have been THOROUGHLY thought out and TESTED to make sure it will be a fun experience for all, and for balancing purposes, and can always be updated in the future.
  12. They look very good in game I promise and they don't drop ur fps to 3 because I made sure to use not too many pieces while also making sure it actually looks decent.
  13. Here are the map locations for the new Cartels:
  14. unknown.png
  16. Wong Triad
  17. No one likes towers, which is why North Wongs first sucked, but now, it still sucks because of how far and useless it is. That is why North Wongs should be moved and re-worked. Also, Construction wongs, is a construction building with some of the best looking houses in Altis, why is that a Cartel? Also, who the fuck likes fighting in construction.
  19. Also, many people might dislike the fact the Wong Triad 1 concept is placed on Admin Island, however, the fact it is placed on an Island gives a very unique experience to the playstyle, and will introduce new tactics on how to attack or defend the cartel, may even Sling Load a Ifrit with a taru, Orca drop, boat / submarine push, and more.
  21. Wong Triad 2 Concept:
  22. Spoiler


  23. Spoiler


  24. Spoiler


  25. Wong Triad 1 Concept:
  26. Spoiler
    • 20220703201104_1.jpg
  27. Spoiler
    • 20220703200710_1.jpg
  28. Spoiler
    • 20220703213550_1.jpg
  30. Oil Cartel
  31. Oil Rig looks nothing like an oil rig, and the factory is just no.
  33. Oil Rig includes many ways of pushing onto different levels, and a spot for an airshop, and boat shop, also has no issues with Oil Barrel running, if anyone even does that anymore.
  35. Oil Cartel 1 / Oil Rig Concept:
  36. Spoiler
    • 20220703191311_1.jpg
  37. Spoiler
    • 20220703191303_1.jpg
  38. Spoiler
    • 20220703211136_1.jpg
  40. Oil Cartel 2 Concept:
  41. Spoiler
    • 20220703211109_1.jpg
  42. Spoiler
    • 20220703211104_1.jpg
  43. Spoiler
    • 20220703211041_1.jpg
  45. Drug and Arms stay same cause they good
  47. I will send mission file sqf to anyone who asks for it on discord
  49. UPDATE (7/8/22):
  50. Oil Changes:
  51. Spoiler
    • I added a smokestack and a couple other decorative pieces. (Still way less pieces than the original oil rig, that has a hidden hospital inside of it for the helipad which is why its so big lmfao)
  52. Spoiler
    • I also fixed many bugs with climbing onto different leves of the bottom areas, here is a closeup of the bottom:
  53. Spoiler
    • The original new Oil Cartel 2 concept didn't have many ways of attacking / defending the cartel, so to reduce the repititiveness of how it is used, I added more cover outside of the cartel.
  55. Wong Triad Changes:
  56. Spoiler
    • I made this building look more cartel-ish I guess idk
  57. Spoiler
    • I gave the two story broken house a way of getting into the attic, extending the opportunities for how someone can use this building.
  58. Spoiler
    • I changed the broken 1c inside the cap into a usable abandoned 2c building, as this gives more cover for defenders inside cap.
  59. Spoiler
    • I also turned the North Deerstand into a broken Deerstand, as this is one of the only places that has great cover while also having an overview of the entire cartel, making it overly easy to 3rd party / defend.
Edited by lukee
Updated for balancing and organization
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3 minutes ago, 王 rando 王 said:

i think the current oil rig looks better than that tbh

oh and the wongs looks good, not ugly like your last one. and i like the island, people pull orca and ifrits from drugrunner as is, now they can just pull a taru and an ifrit

I didn’t make old wongs, also the current oil rig isn’t an oil rig

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4 hours ago, 王 rando 王 said:

oh and the wongs looks good, not ugly like your last one. and i like the island, people pull orca and ifrits from drugrunner as is, now they can just pull a taru and an ifrit

You seriously think plopping down a few broken buildings that aren't even from Altis and don't blend with the map at all in a random place that doesn't even make sense for buildings to go in the first place looks better than an abandoned/decayed military base?

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9 minutes ago, Trioxide said:

You seriously think plopping down a few broken buildings that aren't even from Altis and don't blend with the map at all in a random place that doesn't even make sense for buildings to go in the first place looks better than an abandoned/decayed military base?

oh that was you that made that, not him. yea that shit was pretty ugly.

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6 minutes ago, Wang Liqin said:

to be fair they both look dog water lmao three broken houses ontop of a flat hill with 0 cover

It definitely has cover 😂😂

1 hour ago, Henry Facesmasher said:

These are some retarded suggestions. 

How come? 

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38 minutes ago, 王 rando 王 said:

it looks like a discount rebel outpost

By "discount" do you mean abandoned and decaying? Because that's definitely the look I was going for... not sure how that's a bad thing.

1 hour ago, lukee said:

Not balanced, looks cancer to fight

What about the fight would be cancer?

1 hour ago, lukee said:

overall looks nothing like a cartel should look

what? who decides what a cartel "should" look like? why can't one look like an abandoned military outpost?

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4 hours ago, Trioxide said:


What about the fight would be cancer?

what? who decides what a cartel "should" look like? why can't one look like an abandoned military outpost?

urs is a small compound on top of a hill that people have to push. The people pushing will get mowed down from people on top of tower as hitting the top of ifrit glass pretty much makes it so that 7.62 goes straight through it. plus there is no cover around the flag. you have to push a compound where there isn't really a way to flank or snipe people in the tower / deerstands. super one sided for the defenders. 

oldluke likes this
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12 minutes ago, Dillon said:

The people pushing will get mowed down from people on top of tower as hitting the top of ifrit glass pretty much makes it so that 7.62 goes straight through it.

The tower could be replaced with a cargo HQ (command center)


12 minutes ago, Dillon said:

plus there is no cover around the flag

The flag, itself, isn't important in the fight, just being in the area around it.


12 minutes ago, Dillon said:

You have to push a compound where there isn't really a way to flank or snipe people in the tower / deerstands. super one sided for the defenders. 

Pushing is actually pretty easy, and flanking is not that hard. The hill allows for very wide flanks to be effective. To push, all you have to do is slam the sandbags and rocks on the far side of the flag. You can cap from there. The rocks behind and in front of the sandbags are helpful for pushing, and so are the vehicle wrecks I put down. The holes in the sides of the compound itself make it easy to get inside and attack once you slam the wall. I don't think pushing this objective is that hard.

If the tower was removed and replaced with a different building, would it be a good cap?

Edited by Trioxide
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1 hour ago, Trioxide said:

The tower could be replaced with a cargo HQ (command center)


The flag, itself, isn't important in the fight, just being in the area around it.


Pushing is actually pretty easy, and flanking is not that hard. The hill allows for very wide flanks to be effective. To push, all you have to do is slam the sandbags and rocks on the far side of the flag. You can cap from there. The rocks behind and in front of the sandbags are helpful for pushing, and so are the vehicle wrecks I put down. The holes in the sides of the compound itself make it easy to get inside and attack once you slam the wall. I don't think pushing this objective is that hard.

If the tower was removed and replaced with a different building, would it be a good cap?

your cap is not good. no one likes towers regardless of condition. his wongs is much better as those buildings have been used in different dom caps and gang fort so they're proven to be good.

oldluke likes this
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1 hour ago, operatorjohnny^ said:

no one likes towers regardless of condition.

I said the tower could be removed. That was the first thing I said in the text you quoted.


1 hour ago, operatorjohnny^ said:

his wongs is much better as those buildings have been used in different dom caps and gang fort so they're proven to be good.

So have all the components of my wongs aside from the tower, which, as I said, could be replaced with a command center building. Also, those ruined Livonia houses look awful on Altis, especially when placed down in a random place on the map where it doesn't even make sense for a house to be. It's just the top of a hill. There are no roads going to it. It doesn't make sense for a settlement to be there. It just doesn't fit. Physically, it works fine. Like you said, they work well for fighting. However, there are other, equally good options, that don't look stupid.

Edited by Trioxide
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35 minutes ago, Trioxide said:

I said the tower could be removed. That was the first thing I said in the text you quoted.


So have all the components of my wongs aside from the tower, which, as I said, could be replaced with a command center building. Also, those ruined Livonia houses look awful on Altis, especially when placed down in a random place on the map where it doesn't even make sense for a house to be. It's just the top of a hill. There are no roads going to it. It doesn't make sense for a settlement to be there. It just doesn't fit. Physically, it works fine. Like you said, they work well for fighting. However, there are other, equally good options, that don't look stupid.

Your cap is just the original outpost that exists there in the vanilla game, which is specifically designed to be one sided towards the defense, whether or not the tower is there, it is still horrible for a cartel, deerstands are just as bad just on a lower scale, also it’s very small and doesent take advantage of the land around it, it goes from rocks and sandbags, to a ugly fucking outpost with nothing in between, not even a illegal ran drug trading organization in Mexico will use this as a cartel.

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18 minutes ago, lukee said:

Your cap is just the original outpost that exists there in the vanilla game, which is specifically designed to be one sided towards the defense

No, I made a lot of changes making it easier to push. I turned the tower into a broken tower, which cannot be used nearly to the same effectiveness as a non-broken tower (and will be replaced with a cargo HQ anyway, so no tower at all). I made lots of holes in the walls surrounding it (big difference for pushing, you can run right in on all sides), and I added in more cover in the form of rocks and wrecked vehicles. It is NOT too hard to push, especially considering you can cap from behind the sandbags on the far side of the cap, which you can get to without fear of getting shot from the main compound.

18 minutes ago, lukee said:

just as bad just on a lower scale

so not just as bad???


Edited by Trioxide
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10 minutes ago, Trioxide said:

No, I made a lot of changes making it easier to push. I turned the tower into a broken tower, which cannot be used nearly to the same effectiveness as a non-broken tower (and will be replaced with a cargo HQ anyway, so no tower at all). I made lots of holes in the walls surrounding it (big difference for pushing, you can run right in on all sides), and I added in more cover in the form of rocks and wrecked vehicles. It is NOT too hard to push, especially considering you can cap from behind the sandbags on the far side of the cap, which you can get to without fear of getting shot from the main compound.

so not just as bad???


Never said it was too hard to push, just too awkward, why waste an entire top of a hill just for some tiny outpost and rocks? The broken down vehicles are NOT cover and can be shot under relatively easily, also, the deer stands lag is also horrible, yes it can include them but them being the only good places to sit makes the fighting relatively repetitive and not unique or interesting whatsoever.


14 hours ago, Henry Facesmasher said:

These are some retarded suggestions. 

I think ur the one that’s retarded man, this suggestion is for the best of everyone and everything.

Edited by lukee
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8 hours ago, Tricks said:

Win a fight then start talking about locations. 

ur trolling right.

1 hour ago, Henry Facesmasher said:

You don't even fight cartels.. why would it even matter to you?

nah heats a W DH carteller

Edited by lukee
heater likes this
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