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  1. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Dust Runner in Remove church Bells   
    Hm. And I thought I'd seen everything on these forums.
  2. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Blake. in Remove church Bells   
    Bells = Loud, Loud = bad
  3. Keen12321 liked a post in a topic by DalBrow in Remove church Bells   
    Please for the love of god disable the church bells (if you are able to). If you are not able to disable them, maybe turn them down or something. Trying to process cocaine and listen for enemies with your earplugs out is unbearable with the constant "Dongs" of the bell. This is also a issue in Rodo. I cant tell you how many times I have been killed because of the obnoxious bell. Whether is not being able to hear vehicles, or foot steps of enemy players. I often find my self putting my earplugs in so the unpleasant noise doesn't bug me, but this sometime will result in death because you cant hear enemy players in this scenario either. 
    Thank you for Reading.
  4. sinfulbreeze liked a post in a topic by DalBrow in Remove church Bells   
    Please for the love of god disable the church bells (if you are able to). If you are not able to disable them, maybe turn them down or something. Trying to process cocaine and listen for enemies with your earplugs out is unbearable with the constant "Dongs" of the bell. This is also a issue in Rodo. I cant tell you how many times I have been killed because of the obnoxious bell. Whether is not being able to hear vehicles, or foot steps of enemy players. I often find my self putting my earplugs in so the unpleasant noise doesn't bug me, but this sometime will result in death because you cant hear enemy players in this scenario either. 
    Thank you for Reading.
  5. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Kawaii in Remove church Bells   
    no i need muh immersion
  6. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Mayhem in V2 is the new HALF LIFE 3   
    That’s just more money you aren’t making by waiting
  7. Good Lub liked a post in a topic by DalBrow in APD should start following the server rules   
    This doesn’t go for everyone, but some of these APD officers blatantly break the server rules. This mostly happens at night when the server is at low pop and there is only a one to three cops on.
  8. MARCUS STANLEY xD liked a post in a topic by DalBrow in APD should start following the server rules   
    This doesn’t go for everyone, but some of these APD officers blatantly break the server rules. This mostly happens at night when the server is at low pop and there is only a one to three cops on.
  9. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by MASTA_B in APD should start following the server rules   
    Record and report as Chow said. Complaining on the forum won't fix anything. 
  10. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Fried Rice in APD should start following the server rules   
    Only way to stop that is if people record it and report it. That stops them from doing it.
  11. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Fried Rice in APD should start following the server rules   
    The APD does and SHOULD follow the rules. Something are different for us but if you feel someone is breaking a server rule you can report them here.
    Remember to have sufficient evidence or the people looking into it can not do anything. 
  12. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by BananaGoatPC in Born A Rebel   
    After gathering a couple infamy talents and having a bunch leftover why not have a talent called Born A rebel, where it would allow you to spawn in any rebel. Of course you would spawn with no gear. This should cost around 75k+ infamy as it is an endgame infamy talent and should be worth alot considering its effects. 
    -credit to Spoon for the name

    TLDR:  I feel as though there should'st be an talent, bought with infamy, such that one could spawn at rebel bases forthwith.
  13. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Sheriff Rick in What is unused / not needed?   
    Market system.  Please just remove it and set a flat rate what you buy and sell things for.
    Evidence locker should be just something that is at HQs and something you gotta break into instead of another kill cops for X amount of time and fly off.
    Various jobs in the game could get reworked to be more profitable and interesting instead of the good ol' meth and scotch meta.
  14. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Seán That Irish Guy in What is unused / not needed?   
    Meth and scotch are good money because theyre illegal.
  15. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Rodrigo in What is unused / not needed?   
    Lumber Mills, Weed Dispensary, Turtles ( as they are not really working, hotfix perhaps? ), Taxi request, Handyman and inspirational talents, Tax System (rework), Hunting grounds?, Lottery rework, some to begin with. Might edit it some stuff @Jesse
    That will ruin the whole point of arms. Tax everyone besides people inside the gang owning it.
  16. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Azeh in What is unused / not needed?   
    Assassin part of the infamy tree
  17. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Xehons in What is unused / not needed?   
  18. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Bherky in Downing shotgun RPG   
    @Slade Wilson
  19. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Blake Kingsin in Need of sum help   
    nut and bolt
     wam bam thank you ma'am
     hit n split
     ejaculate and evacuate
     tap it and scrap it

    pork it and cork it

    fuck it and chuck it

    hump it and dump it

    tag it and bag it

    shoot the jizz then out you is

    rock her box then change the locks

    cum in the beav then time to leave

    plant the seed and pull the weed

    tap that ass then hit the gas

    smash and dash 

    nail it and bail it 

    Pump and dump 

    Pounce and bounce

    hit and run

    Slay and stray

    Screw and shoo

    Leave it in the dust after getting that bust

    Toot it and boot it

    Squirtle and hurtle
  20. BananaGoatPC liked a post in a topic by DalBrow in Need of sum help   
    fuck the bitch, and then leave and never talk to her again 
  21. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by BananaGoatPC in Need of sum help   
    Just remember youre the one who left my gang (not left but you were very inactive yet insist on wearing our tag still) ok I WANT YOU TO REMEMBER THAT. Also I have no advice for this so go with your heart <3
  22. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by BaDaBiNg_10-8 in I found some Hidden Aleec Gold   
    The good old days. Asylum will never be like it was in 2014-2016. 
  23. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by BananaGoatPC in [FSA] - Free Syrian Army [OPEN]   
    Damn, When I first started Asylum as that pleb in Athira FSA were always the ones to be afraid of. I remember mystical moon mans videos (I think that was his name he took down the videos a while back) with you guys and the amount of fun and role playing you brought to Asylum. I remember being heli dropped on with a hemmit full of scotch you all shooting my tires and yelling at me in accents to get out or die but even in this time of me losing my scotch it was still an amazing experience as you guys were committed to having a great time and thus making it a great time for me regardless. Sometimes I would hate you guys with a passion (mainly because I was salty) but I still remember the great times/experiences that we had. So thank you for making the experience here on Asylum the greatest. 07.
  24. DalBrow liked a post in a topic by Mr. Fenwick in ALtis life FUNNY MOMENTS   
    ALL THAT METH  </3
  25. BananaGoatPC liked a post in a topic by DalBrow in Im back heckers   
    I guess your parents still haven't realized what you're playing 
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