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Everything posted by Smee

  1. Hell Nah you numpty, Just spawn Huron, Strider and then unleash the beast into any of the end game activities.
  2. Rarely do you ever see a cop even pass the peach or apple field.
  3. lets be honest here, i bet more people do it because its actually less risky than weed.
  4. Shouldnt we lower the price of scotch based on most of peoples way to run money ????
  5. Currently Asylum has various of 7.62 weapons available these being; mk-1 mk-18 Spar-17 ak-12 akm As for .308 snipers, suppressors and long distance scopes, Asylum is not the place for these types of weaponry, simply because Asylum is a light Roleplay server and we do not want to be encouraging people to shoot into Redzones for an unfair advantage, and does not promote "cartel experience" for rebels which Asylum is severely lacking off.
  6. @Mitch (IFRIT) When in doubt WAP it out!
  7. is it shit, or the stair case to get asylum back on track
  8. I feel personally that Asylum needs to reward those who grind, and NOT for those who make there scotch. Absolutely no risk in that illegal activity.
  9. Gnashes done everything to nerf asylum, the fact was that players actually grinded to get there money there was no problem. And now implement AFK'ing methods that actually is now the way things are these days make more things "Not Enjoyable" Remove crates when players buy houses. Scroll wheel option for Cocaine & Heroin. ( You ran in circles or actually had to find the heroin). Implemented Spikes at gates so HEMMTS couldn't NITRO over. Orca Chop Runs (players actually had to source there materials to craft orcas and this gave people who were at a new point to sell their goods for a better margin than store prices). Nerfed Bank so that it had spawned Money & Gold bars. These are very few that affected asylum.
  10. Smee

    baby riding dog

    me and alecs mum
  11. Its either admin pulls them or normys dont
  12. Cheers Goonerz We have to remember that the role is not to be mistaken as a staff position but simply a role that allows those wanting to do more, and allows the admins to get to know me as a individual. I do hope for the future as a possible "Staff member" and for the hope that Asylum V2 will be as great as it was around 6.0. I hope for the very best and provide the community with as much as i can offer. This goes for both people behind the scenes and those on the front scene for asylum.
  13. Im all for a "Weekend Bonus Collection" Collect once Admin message one per restart ( on Week ends ) Answer a question about rules on the governor sign ? Rewarded with $2500 Will allow players who are new and have no cash GET cash and learn about asylum rules at the same time.
  14. By giving new players more money on the point of spawn will just entitle them to care less, especially the ones who dont give AF and just ware to shoot and VDM on site. !
  15. Smee


  16. its like asking for an airshop at prison so people dont need to rebuy cloths and armour. its sheer laziness to ask for an airshop at drug runner. Players should be rewarded for grind not AFK
  17. me personally thing drug runner should be removed, there is no intention for cops to attempt to intercept them anyways , just my opinion
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